4.5: flowers

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Playlist: Love - Lana Del Rey


I've been in and out of consciousness for two days, maybe longer. I don't know. I'm not sure anymore. Hunk wakes me up to give me water and pain killers and sometimes soup but I can never tell what day it is, what time it is or how much time has passed. Everything's too hazy. My head hurts, my body aches, I'm feverish and cold and I keep coughing up flowers. It happens every thirty minutes or so now. There's a trash can next to me filled with the vile looking things. It's not long now. Soon, very soon, I'm going to choke to death and I'll never see my family or my friends ever again.


I wake up gasping for breath around one in the morning. The back of my shirt is soaked in sweat and I think there's dried blood at the corner of my mouth. In the bed by the window, Hunk is sleeping fitfully and I wonder if that's my doing. I stand slowly, my knees wobble and my vision blurs but I manage to make it to the bathroom where I try to take normal, deep breaths to try to counteract the nausea. It works, barely, and I'm able to splash some water on my face to cool me down a little.

When I exit the bathroom, I feel a whole lot better than I did three hours ago. I kind of feel like I could run a marathon right now. My lungs feel clear, my legs feel strong and I haven't coughed up a flower yet so everything seems okay. But I know that this is just the calm before the storm. I will die tonight and I'm going to make sure that it isn't Hunk who finds my lifeless body.

I change into a pair of jeans and a plain black shirt. Hunk still hasn't woken up even though I'm being kind of loud and I make sure to write him a note and grab my phone and a water bottle before I leave the room completely. I don't need my keys. I'll be dead within the hour. I immediately head outside and start walking around the dark campus. There are streetlights and path lights on but that doesn't make it seem any less eerie.

I'm completely taken by surprise by my stamina. For the past three days, I could barely walk to the bathroom without getting winded or feeling lightheaded but now, now I've walked almost half a mile around campus and I feel fine. I eventually make it to the water fountain just outside the F parking lot and I'm thinking of just walking further into campus until I hear someone call my name.

"Lance!" I turn around surprised, trying to pinpoint someone in the darkness. A figure slowly moves into the light and I'm surprised to see Keith. He has his motorcycle gloves on and his leather jacket. He looks like he just came back from a ride by the state of his hair. The lion head necklace shines brightly under the dim streetlight.

"Hey Keith, what's up?"

"N-nothing." Keith says in almost bewilderment. "What are you doing walking around right now. It's dark and you're sick." I shrugged.

"I actually don't feel too bad right now. Did you just come back from somewhere?" Keith runs a hand through his sweaty hair nervously.

"Yeah I've been around town riding for like two hours I think." I let out a whistle.

"Two hours? Why?" Keith shrugged.

"I had a lot on my mind. I was just thinking about... What I want in life." I nod my head slowly and gesture to the edge of the fountain so we can sit down together and we do so, shoulder to shoulder.

"Sounds nice. I used to go to the beach whenever I felt like clearing my head." Keith just nods, not looking up at me. I exhale slowly and turn my eyes up to the sky. I wish there wasn't so much light pollution, I would really like to see the stars right now. "Hey Keith, whatever you're thinking about, you should just go for it." Keith finally looked over at me.

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