3.4: how to make a boy blush

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Playlist: Nightingale - Demi Lovato


Has your throat ever hurt so bad that you just wanted to rip it out of your goddamn body? That's how I was feeling right now. It was this itch I couldn't scratch. A dry feeling I couldn't get rid of. A weird ache that I couldn't soothe. Drinking water didn't really help and neither did eating. Surprisingly, cough drops did but it was only a temporary relief. Plus, who wants to walk around sucking on cough drops all day? My breath smelled like medicine and honey. I hated it. I just wanted the flowers to go away. I just wanted it to stop. I just wanted everything to stop.


I was supposed to be meeting Aurora and Kieth for dinner but my ass was running late. I had been studiously doing some homework and completely lost track of time. Eventually, Aurora called me to ask what was up. "You coming to eat or what McClain?" She asked when I answered the phone.

"Shit. Am I late?" I asked, glancing around for a clock when I knew damn well the only clock in the room was on my phone and the icon on my laptop.

"By about thirty minutes dude." I heard Keith say.

"Am I on speaker?" I demanded. I heard the two of them laugh.

"Yeah, now come on we're starving! Keith and I ran out of mean things to say about you." Aurora says as I hurriedly begin to put on my shoes and look for my ID.

"Actually, hang up. I just thought of something." Keith says, sounding excited. Aurora tells me to hurry my ass up and I smile before telling them I'd be there in five minutes. We hang up just as I finish putting my shoes on and I exit my room, locking the door behind me. Hopefully Hunk didn't forget his keys again.

I find Aurora and Keith sitting at our usual table. I hear Keith's laugh as soon as I enter the room and I smile to myself, following the sound. Aurora somehow always manages to make him laugh when I can't. We're practically the same person, shitty puns, cool hair, obnoxious laughter, so I don't know why Keith warmed up to her faster than he did me. Maybe he's used to having girl friends. I don't really know.

When Aurora and Keith see me walking towards them, Aurora cups her hand over her mouth so I can't see half of her face and says something to Keith in a low voice. Keith's eyes widen as he looks over at her. "Shut up!" I hear him grumble, moving to punch her in the arm. Aurora laughs, dodging his feint before she greets me, standing up so we can hug.

"Hello best friend. How are we tonight?" She asks with a wide smile.

"Alright I guess. I can't believe I got caught up in doing homework though. Yuck." She laughs.

"Keep being a good student and you might surpass Pidge as the smartest person in our group." I shake my head at her as the two of us sit down.

"Nobody can surpass Pidge."

"At anything. She's the smartest, the best video game player.." Keith begins to list off.

"The coolest of the Trio." Aurora says, nudging me.

"Trio?" Keith asks.

"Yeah, you've never heard Pidge, Hunk or I refer to ourselves as that?" I ask. Keith shakes his head, lips pursed. "Well yeah, I mean the three of us are really close. But now you're here and we're a quartet." He smiles faintly, like he only half believes what I'm saying.

"I'm offended. Keith gets inducted into your exclusive group before I do? I thought Pidge and Hunk loved me." Aurora says, fake crying into her hands and making us laugh. "Anyways, lets get food you losers. I'm starving. I can't believe you made us wait Lance."

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