4.3: i'm not calling you a liar

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Playlist: Sad, Beautiful, Tragic - Taylor Swift


Aurora sat down in front of me with a scarily serious expression on her face. "Keith says you have fluid in your lungs." I continued to slowly chew on my toast, trying my damndest not to aggravate the flowers but every time I swallowed, every time I breathed, I could feel the petals and stems and leaves making their way up my throat. "And I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure that that's not a good thing."

"You're right, you aren't a doctor." I said with a smile as soon as I finished swallowing my food, fighting the urge to throw it back up. That's a problem I had acquired recently. I couldn't eat or drink because every time I did, I felt like throwing up. I thought it was because I had an upset stomach but maybe these flowers are affecting more than my lungs. Maybe they're trying to shut down all my vital organs until I just drop dead. Aurora rolls her eyes.

"Lance." I sigh.

"What? I'm not dead okay? I'm not drowning like Keith said and I'm going to be fine." I insist, though I've lost all the passion in my voice.

"You're a damn, dirty liar." I huff and take a sip of my water as she continues to talk at me. "This is ridiculous Lance. You're sick. You need professional, medical help. Do you think we wouldn't help you? That we wouldn't shell out money so you can get this fixed?"

"Who is we?" I asked, though I had a pretty good idea.

"Jeremy, Tristen, Sarah, Keith, Matt, Pidge..."

"Okay, okay.." I interrupted. "I get it but this isn't something you guys should be worried about. It's my problem." I stood up, grabbing my things and preparing to take my dishes to the drop off spot in the cafeteria. I don't think Aurora came in here to eat. She knew I was here because we had been texting right before she arrived, so she follows me as I begin to head out.

"We love you Lance. We don't like seeing you like this. I mean... Look at you, you're practically skin and bones." She grabs my shoulder and shakes me a little as I set my dishes down and that makes me a little lightheaded. I clutch my forehead and try not to groan. I feel her squeeze my shoulder. "Lance, please stop." She begs.

"Stop what?" I ask tiredly.

"You haven't gone to class in two days. You aren't eating and drinking properly. You aren't listening to us. Lance please, are you trying to kill yourself?" She demands. I turn to glare at her and shove her hand off my shoulder. Aurora's shoulders slump and her face falls as I scowl at her.

"I'm not trying to do anything. You think I want this? You think I asked for this?" I demanded. Aurora looks around the cafeteria. Maybe I was speaking too loud. I can never tell now-a-days, there's always a loud ringing in my ears that won't go away.

"Let's go outside." Aurora murmurs. She reaches out to touch me but pulls her hand back when I move out of her reach. Jesus this stupid illness is turning me into a dick. Or maybe I was always an asshole and the disease is just brining that out of me. The two of us walk outside, Aurora trails behind me because she probably thinks I don't want her next to me.

"There's nothing else to say Aurora." I tell her as we continue outside. It's usually cold out here most nights but since my body temperature is 104 degrees, the world feels room temperature at 67 degrees. "I can get through this. I've been through worse."

"But you don't have to just shoulder on Lance! This can be fixed. It's not some serious disease." I cringed as we continued further into the quad, heading towards the dorms.

"I can handle it okay." I was running out of excuses. If she kept pressuring me... I might just snap.

"Stop saying that!" Aurora cries out, finally grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I stop walking. "Why are you being so stubborn. I don't understand Lance. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that you and everyone else won't leave me the hell alone!" I shouted at her, wrenching my hand out of her grasp. "I told you I'll be fine so just leave it alone! You're all bugging the crap out of me and I'm sick of it!" Aurora cowered slightly I always forget that I'm taller than her. "You all need to just stop asking me questions, trying to make me do something I don't want to do and.." As I paused to take a breath, I felt a flower fly up into my throat. Oh god. Not right now. This is karma for yelling at her, isn't it. As I start to choke, feeling lightheaded, Aurora gasps and shouts my name.

"Lance!" Aurora exclaims, catching me as I begin to fall to my knees. I want to push her away. I want to tell her to go away. I can't breath and the only way to stop choking is to get rid of the flowers and I don't want to do that in front fo her. I'm too tired to try to fight this though. My body is giving up on me. "L-Lance." She stammers out as I begin to cough again. The cough shakes my whole body and makes my chest ache as I finally let the flowers escape. "Wh-". She breathes out, spying the bloody purple fiends. "I... I don't understand." She whispers. "Lance.."

"I'm fine." I say, through my teeth as I spit out a flower petal. There's three perfect flowers sitting in a pool of blood in first of us. I can't lie my way out of this one but Im going to try anyways.

"You are not fine." She says indignantly, clutching to my shirt tightly. "This is not fine! Lance, what the hell. Please tell me this is a trick. Please tell me this is some sort of magic trick you're playing on me." She glances over at the flowers like they might disappear.

"It's nothing." I repeat, trying to stand. I pull her hands free of me.

"Lance!" She shouts at me, angry now. "Stop saying It's nothing. You're worrying me! You're worrying everyone! What's wrong? What is this?" I feel like I'm going to throw up again. I need to get out of here. I need to get away from her. I've always been a good runner.

"I'm sorry." I manage to tell her before I take off at a sprint. My backpack thumps against my back violently.

"Lance! No!" I can't tell if she chases after me. I'm running too hard. Too fast. I don't slow down until I get to my dorm. I run up he stairs, past the front lobby, and up the stairs to my floor. My lungs are screaming at me. My body feels like it's on fire. My pounding headache only gets worse.

I'm so happy that Hunk isn't in the room when I get there because I throw my backpack to the ground, run into the bathroom and throw up. I'm chocking on the amount of flowers coming up. Oh god is this it. Is this how I die? Hunk is going to come back from class and find me dead on the bathroom floor, blood running down my mouth and a toilet full of flowers.

Credit for the art goes to @harenchiou on tumblr!!!!!

Hope you all aren't saddened by how short this story part is! The bonus part is longer, I swear. And Lance is fine!! He doesn't die... yet. He's going to pick himself back up, drink two bottles of water and take a sleeping pill. Hunk comes back to the dorm and Lance is just passed out on his bed. So everything's fineeeeee for now....

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