0.7: just keep swimming

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Playlist: Danny, Dakota & the Wishing Well -- A Silent Film


It has been exactly 47 days since I touched a large body of water. Which doesn't mean that I haven't showered in the last month and a half it jut means that I haven't been in the ocean, gone to the pool, waded in a lake or even stepped in a damn puddle in the last 47 days and I had just about had it.

"Hunk!" I said suddenly one beautiful Saturday morning. He jumped a little at the sound of my voice. He had been quietly reading something, the two of us sitting in dead silence so I understood why he reacted like that. "Let's go to the pool." Now, I've seen the pool. I got a tour of the whole damn area by my swim coach and the Captain of the swim team. He's a gorgeous, six foot tall guy with dark skin and dazzling green eyes. I think it's the eyes that got me. The girls from the water polo team were just as amazed by him as I was.

So while I knew where the pool was and had passed the building several times before, I had not set foot in it since that first initial tour. We didn't start practice until next semester so I didn't really have a reason to go there aside from wanting to touch the damn water. "The pool?" Hunk questioned.

"Yes, the pool." I said, already gathering my things. I'd better just wear my shorts, not the speedo. I'd freak Hunk out. Though he'd probably see me in it eventually, if he goes to my swim meets, which he should. "I'm dying to get in the water." I grabbed my lucky towel from my drawer, still folded by my moms delicate hands.

"Uhh.. I don't really.. I can swim, I just."

"You don't have to go in buddy, just come with me. I doubt that people are actually there anyways." Hunk pursed his lips. "I'll even call Pidge and her brother! Let's just go, please." I begged. Hunk sighed as I gave him my signature puppy dog face.

"Fine, I'll come." I fist pumped the air and immediately dialed Pidge's number.

"Pigeon!" I cried out as she answered.

"I told you not to call me that Lance." She said with a sigh. "Need something?"

"Yes, you in bathing suit and at the pool in ten minutes."

"What?" She asked. "Lance, I'm with a friend."

"So bring your cute friend! Let's all go to the pool Pidge, please. I'm inviting your brother and it'll be weird if you say no and he says yes." When Pidge introduced us to Matt nearly three weeks back, he had been with a friend, this guy Aaron. They were both studying to become doctors and while I know I should have been trying to get to know Matt, I spent most of my time talking to Aaron.

He had dark brown hair and a really adorable smile. I didn't think he was even the tiniest bit gay and he seemed kind of... perturbed that I kept talking to him, like he would rather be studying than wasting air on me but I couldn't shut my damn mouth and Aaron didn't know how to kindly tell me to shut the fuck up so he listened and I rambled. I really should have just talked to Matt.

We've hung out with Matt on several other occasions but I don't really know much about him. He talks a lot about medical things which only Hunk and Pidge understand, Pidge planning to be a med major too and Hunk because his mom is a nurse (mine is too but I guess I never paid much attention to any of her medical speech). He is really funny though and always understands my meme references. Pidge always rolls her eyes at us when we joke around.

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