bonus: double date

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Playlist: From the Dining Table - Harry Styles


"We're going on a... Drum roll please Jeremy." He immediately began tapping his fingers against the table rhythmically. She motioned for him to stop and when he did Aurora said, "A double date!" Keith and I exchanged a nervous look.

"Uhh.. What?" Keith asked.

"I'm with Keith on this." I said lightly. "What?" Keith and I had been together for a week officially, we weren't counting that week in between when we confessed we liked one another and our first date so technically, our relationship was really fucking new. It seemed too soon for a double date with anyone, even if they were our best friends. Aurora frowned.

"Aw come on you two! Please!" She begged. "I've never been on a double date before! And you two are some of my best friends." She grabbed Keith's hand pleadingly and I sighed. Nobody can resist Aurora's puppy dog eyes. "It won't be weird! I swear. It'll be like we're hanging out, except now you get to kiss Lance, Keith." He blushed. "Come on it'll be so much funnnnn."

"I still can't believe you knew he liked me Aurora." I said with a shake of my head. I had known her longer than Keith so it amazed me that she would keep it a secret. She's not really good with keeping other people's secrets.

"Hey, if I had known it was going to kill you. I wouldn't have kept it to myself." She let go of Keith's hand. "Now, double date or not you two. It doesn't have to be anything fancy."

"Don't listen to her. We don't have to do anything." Jeremy interrupted. He put his hand over Aurora's mouth when she opened it to protest. "You guys just started dating so it's cool if you don't want to do something with us." I watched Aurora elbow him and while Jeremy winced a little, he didn't remove his hand from her mouth.

"Well..." Keith said slowly, glancing over at me. "I'm kind of okay with it." He smiled a little and I smiled back, grabbing his hand under the table so I could lace our fingers together. Keith blushed.

"I'll take a kind of!" Aurora said triumphantly, forcefully pulling Jeremy's hand away. "Please say you want to do this too Lance. I swear it won't be weird. I just love all three of you so much and I want us to go on a date together! I've been literally imagining this moment for almost a year." Kith laughed at her as Jeremy shook his head.

"Jesus you're excited about this." Jeremy said rubbing his temple.

"Shut up, you thought they'd look cute together too." Aurora said with a frown, making me laugh. Jeremy shrugs, smiling.

"Alright so what did you have in mind?" I asked Aurora. She grinned.

"I'm glad you asked Lance because..." she rummaged through her backpack and pulled out a small notebook. "I've written down tons of ideas for double dates. I've been doing this ever since I found out that Keith liked you." She said peeling open the notebook.

"Isn't this also the notebook where you write down all of our ideas for our wedding?" Jeremy asked. Aurora blushed a little and nodded.

"Yes, half of the book is dedicated to you and I and the other half is dedicated to them. Now, my ideas." She says, flipping through several, all equally pretty looking, pages. Aurora's really gone all out, decorating the blank spaces with hearts, flowers and all kinds of cutesy writing. I'm so glad I'm friends with this crazy girl.

Despite all of the planning and all of Aurora's cute date ideas, Keith only really felt comfortable going to the movies for a double date. "Ah come on! What about this couples art class! You like drawing Keith paining isn't that different." Aurora had complained as Jeremy snickered next to her.

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