1.5: potential breakup song

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A/N: *Slight Trigger Warning* Lance, Aurora, Jeremy etc. Mention suicide/suicidal thoughts

Playlist: Stay With Me -- Sam Smith


I was broken. Something was wrong with me. Not only was I messing up my own love life but I seemed to be messing up the love life's of everyone around me.

Jeremy shouldn't have told me, not that he said much anyways, and he also told me to not bring it up with Aurora so maybe it was both of our faults. Jeremy, Hunk and I had been playing video games in our room. Pidge wasn't with us for once, she was off studying with Sarah and being studious and shit while the rest of us were procrastinating. Hunk had gone downstairs to the Commons to get us some snacks and had yet to come back so Jeremy and I were chilling, talking.

"Hey, I've wanted to ask for a while but how did you and Aurora meet? She's very dodgy about it and keeps saying you met at a beach or at the mall." Jeremy laughs.

"Yeah She never gives a straight answer because she hates how we actually met." I slowly smiled.

"Please tell me."

"Alright But don't go rubbing it in her face, she'll hate you." Jeremy cleared his throat dramatically. "Okay, So we were in theatre together. I joined just to have it on my transcripts for college , even though I already had baseball and the track team on it." I nodded my head. "So, I'm a tech dude, backstage kind of work. She's a minor character in the musical we're doing. I'd never really talked to her much, she was a junior when I was a senior."

"That's right, I always forget you're a sophomore." I interrupt. Jeremy nods.

"My good looks keep my age ambiguous." I snorted and shook my head at him as he continued. "Anyways, her friends back home are wild, all of them are in theatre together and so they're always messing around, onstage and off. The night of one of the shows, they were throwing around this snickers bar for some reason and Aurora miscalculated and accidentally threw it past her friend, Desiree and it hit me in the eye. That's how we met, she gave me a black eye." I busted up laughing.

"What! That's hilarious! I knew it was something crazy like that. That's super cute though too. I can't believe you got a black eye." Jeremy shrugged.

"It was one of those big snickers bars." I laughed, shaking my head.

"How is she by the way? She seems really down lately." Jermey shrugged.

"It's the weather. She gets a little depressed around this time of year because she almost..." Jeremy stops.

"Almost what?" I asked. Jeremy shakes his head.

"No, forget it."

"What? Come on, I want to know."

"I can't tell you okay lance, let it go." Jeremy snapped at me. I stared at him, confused. What could be so bad that he couldn't tell me.. I thought back to what he said.

"Has she tried to hurt herself?" Jeremy said nothing, just stared at the TV. "Jeremy." I commanded.

"Drop it Lance, please. I shouldn't have said anything. Don't bring it up with her okay?" His refusal to comment only confirmed my suspicions though.

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