bonus: happy birthday baby

805 37 27

Playlist: Adore -Acoustic - Jasmine Thompson


I woke up on the morning of my birthday with a smile on his face. The big day had finally arrived! The big two oh zero. Twenty! In another year I would be twenty-one and could legally buy all the alcohol I know and love. Normally, I'm not this excited for my birthday. The past couple have seemed to all have meshed into one celebration in my mind that I can't distinguish from one year to the next but this one would be different because I was truly happy for once! I have amazing friends, an even more amazing boyfriend, and an awesome family. And I would get to hang out with all of them at once at my house!

Keith was nervous about meeting my entire family but as I had to keep reminding him, he had nothing to be afraid of. Everyone already loved him, I talk about him way too much for them not to. "Aye! Look at our hombrecito!" My twins crowed out as I stepped into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes sleepily. The whole house smelled like baking bread and marinating meats. My mom and sisters have probably been up for hours preparing for my party. "¿Estás emocionado Lance?" Sergio and Felix continued to say in sync. I gave them a funny look as my mom came over and kissed my forehead, saying happy birthday before she turned back to the food.

"Can you two stop that. It's so creepy." I said, running one hand through my slightly curly hair.

"That's why we do it." Felix and Sergio said fist bumping each other before busting up laughing. I rolled my eyes before I grabbed some breakfast for myself. 


Seeing as they were all coming from about three hours away, I was very surprised when only twenty minutes into the start of my party, my friends were already showing up. "Aurora and Jeremy in the house!" I hear Aurora whoop as the front door is opened. I immediately rushed from the kitchen and out towards the front room.

"And Tristen and Sarah!" The two girls added indignantly. Aurora laughed and elbowed Tristen a little as I moved to greet them, allowing Julianna to step away from the door.

"You guys are early!" I exclaimed as Aurora squealed and hugged me tightly. I high fived Jeremy behind Aurora's back before she let go and allowed me to hug everyone else.

"That's what I kept telling her." Tristen said, kicking Aurora in the shin. "I told her this is a Hispanic party. Nadie llega temprano a una fiesta hispana." I laughed and high fived her as she said this.

"You've got that right."

"I don't know what she said." Aurora said as I hugged Sarah and kissed her hair, making her laugh. "But I arrive early to things because when I was younger, my Asian ass mom made me late for everything and I decided really quickly that I would never be late to anything once I was able to drive." Jeremy nodded.

"And she never is. An hour early to class. Forty minutes early to movies. She's insane." Aurora hit her boyfriends chest and everyone laughed.

"Hey well it's great to have you. Most of my immediate family is here, my parents, the twins, Juliana, and Carla but everyone else is going to come a little later."

"What did I tell you!" Tristen shouted again. Aurora stuck out her tongue and I laughed as we all moved to the backyard to meet my family.


Two hours later, all of my siblings, most of my family and half of my friends were all at my house but the most important person was still missing.

Well you suck

Pretty Boy❤️
I can't control traffic Lance

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