0.4: what's a pidge?

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Playlist: I Walk the Line -- Halsey


"Alright class, today you will learn who your lab partner is." I groaned, slumping my head down into my arms. Whoever my partner was going to be would hate me. Switching into this stupid science class was a big damn mistake. Not only was the pretty girl I had seen in the hallway, not among the people sitting in class when I walked in the first day, but I had to give up my speech class with Tristen which she scolded me for later by saying,

"Some friend you are Lance McClain!" Aurora, Tristen and I had a good laugh about it, teasing me for being too flirtatious for my own good but I was beginning to regret my decision with each passing day. School had only been in session for a week and a half now and I was already dreading midterms/finals week.

Why did I think I could just switch into this science class? How could I not remember that I suck at science? It was probably the only thing I was terrible at in life! And everyone in class already knew this. When our teacher asked us the first day what we knew about anything related to science, my hand shot up and miraculously, she called on me first.

"The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." I heard several groans from my classmates but also a few snickers and I laughed to myself a little as my teacher lightly praised me for my statement. Little did she know the meme culture surrounding the simple phrase.

Aside from that one shred of knowledge though, I was completely clueless about everything else related to science. I botched up the simple microscope experiment our teacher put us through and managed to somehow kill the flowers in the planter just outside the room by giving them some kind of chemical instead of water. (In my defense, both of the liquids were clear). So despite my cheerful demeanor and general friendliness, I knew nobody would be lining up to be my lab partner for the rest of the school semester.

"I have the list right here." She said, waving it lightly. Everyone waited anxiously as she began to list off names. Surprisingly, my name was one of the first called. "Katie Holt with Lance McClain." Katie? I sat up in my seat, looking around at everyone. Who was Katie again? There was nearly twenty people in this class and I hadn't really memorized everyone's names yet. My eyes finally settled on a girl with medium, light brown hair and a grimace on her face. She was staring right at me.


Katie? A.K.A the smartest girl in our class? Judging by the expression on her face, I could tell she was not happy to be my partner. Sighing a little, I turned aback around in my seat. I should probably ask Mrs. Anderson to switch me to someone else, not that I wouldn't be a burden to them either but I didn't want to drag the smartest girl in our class down.

"Okay everyone, now get up and move next to your partner! You guys are going to become fast friends in my class." I raised my hand slowly, not getting up from my desk. "Yes, Lance?"

"Are you sure you want to put me with Katie? I don't want to drag her grade down or anything." Mrs. Anderson continues to smile though and Katie unceremoniously sits down next to me with a thud.

"Please, I can hold my grade up. I might even be able to boost your grade in this class." She says with a slight air of confidence. I smile a little.

"It'll be good for you to work with her Lance. You're not bad at science, you just need someone to help you understand it better. Katie will help with that."

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