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Darren snored loudly.

I reached over and put a pillow on his face.

He turned on his side and stopped snoring.

I have rehearsal in...

I sat up and glanced at the clock.

Three hours.

Sunlight was already starting to pour through the windows.

I rolled my eyes and sat up.

Today is going to be a good day.

Today is going to be a good day.


"Hey Charlotte can you do me a favor?"

One of the maintance guys asked me.

I nodded.

"You're small. Can you climb up here and just gently tap on that light?"

I stared up at the ladder he was referring to.

"You want stand on that...and tap on a bulb?"

He cringed.

"Well I mean you don't have to I just-"

I waved my hands in his face.

"No! No. I'll do it."

He smiled, steadying the ladder.

I gulped and began to climb.

I tried to make the best of it by singing a little to myself.

"I said your love...keeps on...liftin me...higher and higher!"

A few people below me chuckled.

I stared down at them but immediately regretted it.

From the stage to where I was standing had to be at least 150 ft.

My legs shook and I shivered slightly.

Just tap the fucking light and get down from here.

I reached up to find the light he wanted me to tap.

Why do I need to tap it?

And don't they have like conveyer belt things up here for this reason?

I wonder what would happen if...

Just as I thought that, I realized I leaned too far to one side.

Way too far.

And I fell.

I fell and I honestly didn't want to get back up.

My arm felt numb, like it had fallen asleep.

My head spun.

I looked up above me through blurry vision.

Did I fall all that way?!


At least I fixed the damn lightbulb.

People crowded around me.

I can't seem to catch a break an I?

I closed my eyes and left the theater behind.

I entered my own little world.

Where no one can hurt me.

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