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I yawn and repeat No Good Deed for the seventh time today.

"Charlotte I'm not feeling the sense of desperation."

Lauren said from the front row.

I coughed.

"Yes ma'am."

I run back to my starting position and wait for the music.

When it starts, I take my book prop and stalk around the stage, singing my little song.

Big song actually.

When I'm done, it's 8:00 and rehearsal is over.

We spent two hours on this song alone.

I wasted everyone's time.

A guy stood next to me.

I paused and looked up at him.

It's the guy that laughed at me the first day for yelling at my phone.

"What are you looking at?"

I say bitterly.

"Oh it speaks! I thought it only sang."

I turn around and begin to walk away.


I mumble.


"D I'm back!"

I slap my forehead, remembering he has a show tonight.

I can't believe he is still in that show.

After all this time.

I shrug.

I can be here alone.

In the utter silence. 

It's fine.

I lay my bag down and settle in on the couch.

Silence is good.

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