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Addie and I split up in two cars when we finish.

I scroll through Twitter.

I see a message from Mitch.

Mitch- Josh Groban is gonna kick Ben Platts ass.

I roll my eyes.

Charlotte- In your dreams, bumpkin.  My boys got this.

I ignore my phone buzzing and look out the window.

We approach Music Hall.

I bite my lip.

I've been here before.

I've come to the Tonys.

But this time it's different.

This time, I can be ok.

Because today is going to be a good day.

Maybe I can "accidentally" run into Ben Platt later.

I smirk.

Darren and I walk around for a bit.

I see Addie huffing and coming around the corner.

She seems calm but angry at the same time.


She nods.

"I can't wait to see Dear Evan Hansen win everything."

I smirk.

"Comets going to beat Dear Evan Hansens depressing butt!"

I gasp.

I snarl.

"In your dreams."

She snarls back playfully.

"At least Ben Platt can even get nominated."

I realize I shouldn't have said that as soon as the words left my mouth.

Oak has never been nominated.

Addie won a few years back.

And Oak wasn't even nominated.

I curse under my breath.

"So what? What are the awards worth? Making you look cool? Oh look at me I've got a Tony! I'm a special fucking snowflake. It's not about how many awards you get. It's about pushing through when you know no one gives a shit about you."

She rams into my left side, sending pain shooting through my arm.

She turns around for a brief moment.

"And to think, I was going to take you to Disney! And help get you a job where you can't hurt yourself. Or be happy again. But I can't do that because you're a depressed piece of shit!"

Maybe today won't be a good day.

And why would it be?

She runs off, leaving me standing alone with nothing but a bottle of water.

I take a sip nonchalantly.

Why am I not surprised ?

I take another sip and turn around, running straight into someone with a dark blue suit.

I look up and almost spew water everywhere.

"Oh! I'm sorry. Did I scare you?"

I cough and struggle to speak.

"N-No! I'm fine! Sorry about r-running into you."

I stared straight into the deep blue eyes of Ben Platt.

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