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"Charlotte please let us take you home. All you've talked about since you were ten is moving to New York and being on Broadway."

I shake my head.

"Since I was nine, Marcus."

I correct him.

Jessie takes my arm.

"At least come with us to France."

I shake my head again.

"I can't."

Marcus groans.


I snap my head in his direction.

"Because this is the fourth time I've had a running with dad, and I'm not going anywhere with people I know in case he comes back. He somehow comes back every time, Marcus! I just...can't."

I drop my hands to my sides.

Jessie drops her head in defeat.

"He won't this time. I promise."

I laugh bitterly.


He tenses up, awaiting my comment.

"You promise a lot of things that you don't really mean. You promised to come get me. You said you would come back and get me out of that house! I waited for you for five years, Marcus, and you never came back!"

He drops his head.

"I know...and I'm sorry."

I sigh.

"If New York taught me anything, it's that sorry doesn't cut it."

I adjust the straps of my backpack and start walking out of the airport.

"This is your plan? Live like a boxcar kid? Just you? Solo?"

I nod.

"First I'm getting a new phone. New number. New name...New state..."

"New York?"

I shake my head.

"No. New Charlotte."


I got a new phone.

A new number.

I got a new drivers license.

I'm back to Charlotte Spencer.

Just Charlotte Spencer.

All I ever was.

All I ever will be.


The radio blares in my ears, the host droning on about the latest Broadway gossip.

I sigh, half listening.

A recognizable voice fills my ears.

"I know this may be a long shot and I'm interrupting your radio, but I need help."

I drop my phone, no longer coloring virtually.

"How is she...."

I reach for the knob and turn up the volume on the radio.

"As you probs know, I'm Addie Onadowan. I am about to start working on the show, Waitress..."

She pauses, taking a breath.

"I told you she didn't get hit by a car!"

I shush her.

"Im not going to into details, but my best friend...left New York. She thought it was better for everyone if she did but really it isn't. Im a literal mess..."

She pauses and laughs.

"And nobody else is doing too well either..."

Her voice cracks.

"We ne-"

I unplug the radio and push it off the nightstand, sending it crashing to the floor.

"Are you just going to ignore that?! That was her cry for help! Answer it!"

I groan.


I shout.

"And no little radio ad is going to change my mind! I messed up my life in New York! I threw my shot away and now I'm trying to fix what I broke! I don't understand why people can't just let me fix what I started!"

I yell, reaching for my bag and pulling Katie's sweatshirt over my tee shirt.

"I just wanted to help..."

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