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I stand in line for coffee with a hood over my head.

The barista's eyes widened when I came up to the counter.

"Hey now! You're Charlotte Spencer!"

She says loudly, her valley girl accent dripping off of her words.

I cringe at the volume of her voice.

"Y-Yes. I am but I'm not d-doing that anymore."

I whisper, handing her five dollars.

"But you just started in a new show! I heard all about it on the radio! Why are ya all tha way out here?"

She hands me my cup.

"It's a long story...."

I take my cup and leave before anyone else confronts me.


"I think you should check out Australia. Ya know, see what all Addie's fuss is about."

I roll my eyes.

"I left my passport at...home."

I mumble, sipping my coffee.


I shrug.

"So I can't get back in the country..."

She laughs.

"Is that such a bad thing nowadays?"

I nod.

"Uh...yeah. This country is safe and free. Everything life couldn't be if I had stayed in New York."

She sighs.

" probably would have gone to jail...for like...being involved in the near murder of...your best friend."

I scoff.


She laughed.

"Wouldn't that be funny though? Everyone'd be scared of you 'cause you talk to yourself."

I take another sip of coffee, making a big deal of raising the finger at her.


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