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"Who are we kidding with this?! The diamonds are fucking HUGE! Even if the gems got back to homeworld, they wouldn't be able to beat them!"

I groaned, pulling my blanket tighter around me.

"Shut up! I don't care how big the diamonds are. Garnet can kick anyone's ass."

The room was dark except for the light from the tv and the bit of moonlight streaming in.

"Why are you watching this anyways?! It's a kids show!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, don't be a liar. You are getting into this too."

She grunted.

"This is ridiculous! We've been watching these old episodes for hours and we still have three more until we're caught up with the rest of the nerd world!"

I giggled, unintentionally snorting a bit.

"I know for a fact that you have a girl crush on Garnet."

She scoffed.

"Why would you say that?!"

I giggled again.

"Because you're me. And I would be major gay for Garnet."

I made an emotionless face.

"This entire show is gay!"

I hid a smirk.

"Well maybe that's socially acceptable now. The times they are 'a changing you know?"

I turned up the volume on the tv.

"Can you please act your age and stop continuously watching this children's show?"

I rolled my eyes.

"You like it, dumbass."

"I'll never be able to look at rocks the same way again."

I giggled.

"Darren used to watch this show when he thought I was asleep. Such a fucking dork."

She hummed.

"You're not too much better missy."

I laughed, standing up and stretching as the credits rolled.

"Can we watch one more?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Children's show huh?"

She groaned.

"Just because it's a cartoon doesn't mean it can't be good quality television!"

I giggled.

"That's what you said about 'Family Guy' too."

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