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I stared at the open road, silent.

Nobody spoke at all.

Marcus was quiet.

I was quiet.

And that annoying little chip on my shoulder was quiet too.

Until my phone broke the silence.

It blasted my ringtone.

Marcus raised an eyebrow at me, smirking.

"One Direction? Really?"

I flip him off and reach down to grab my phone.

The bright letters on the screen spell out my husbands name.

I take a gulp and take a breath, answering the phone.

"Hey, D."

There wasn't a beat of silence before a hundred voices flooded the phone.


Marcus jumped, the volume of the mixed voices startling him.

"Guys chill."

I say, not sure who all I was referring to.

"Charlotte where the fuck are you?!"

Chris asked.

"Hi, Chris. Wow I've never really gotten too close to you. Addie's too far up your butt."

I curse under my breath and shake my head.

"Sorry. That was rude."

Darren laughs.

"Ha! Yeah. Yeah. Funny. Now where the hell are you, Charlotte?!"

He sounds scared and sad.

I left him alone.

All by himself.

Like he did to me when he left to be in the military.

"I'm so sorry. I should have told you. I'm sorry for all of this...but I'm going to fix it."

Marcus gave me a funny look.

"Fix what, Charlotte?"

I sigh deeply.

"Don't you fucking da-"

Before she could finish speaking, I saw headlights in front of me.

I cursed, swerving the steering wheel to the side, sending pain up my arm and dropping my phone.

The car flew to the side of the road and came to a stop in a ditch.

I took a moment to catch my breath, and check on Marcus.

"Why the hell did I let you drive?"

I shake my head and reach down to find my phone.

"Are you okay?"

I blink.

"Y-Yeah. Fine."

"You can't quit this now, Charlotte. You've come too far. Hang up. Do it."

I numbly press my finger to the 'end call' button and drop the device in my cup holder.

Marcus looks over at me.

"Why did you do that?"

I shake my head.

"Don't worry about it. We need to get to the airport."

I put the car in gear and ignore everything else around me.

We get back on the road quickly, a silence falling upon us again.

"Who am I kidding? They already hate you. There is no 'they'll' they already do. Did you notice how nobody cared to call back? Did you see how they just left you? Did you see how quickly they left you behind? Just like everyone else. Face it, Charlotte. This dream world of yours is coming to a close. Enjoy it while you can."

I hold the steering wheel tighter and push the pedal harder.

"Maybe if we're lucky, we can hit the oncoming car next time."


I yawn deeply as we pull into the airport parking lot.

Marcus opens his door and steps out.

He gives me a look when I step out too.

"I'm coming too."

Marcus shakes his head.

"If you really believe you can fix this. And you won't get hurt, I'm going to go on alone. I don't want anything happening in France and you be there too. Go home, Charlotte. Your friends need you."

"Need you? For what?"

I nod, taking my bag and going to the help desk.

I stop in my tracks.

"Oh dear god what now?"

I spin on my heels and run into Marcus.

I entrap him in a hug before he can protest.

"Call me when you get there?"

I ask.

He nods.

"Be safe, kid."

I smile and turn back around, waving to him as we once again go our separate ways.

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