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My phone buzzed.

I didn't need to check it.

I know who it is.

And I'm ready.

I stand up from the uncomfortable hospital chair and run out the doors.


I wait.

I see him.

Without thinking or hesitating, I stomp over to him and grab him by the collar of his shirt, pushing him into the wall.

"What the hell do you want now?!"

He rolled his eyes.

"I learned the blonde one lived. She's tough."

I growl and tighten my grip on his shirt.

He smirks.

"Stop looking at me like that!"

I cry, bringing my hand up and slapping him in the side of the face.

He takes it, knowing I'll continue.

"This is all going to come out eventually, and you'll be left with nothing."

I clenched my teeth.

"Why are you doing this? What did I do to you?"

I asked bitterly.

His glare went from annoyed to revengeful.

"Oh, you know what you did, Charlotte."

I shake my head.

"No. I don't...indulge me."

He scowled at me.

"It's your fault. You were the one who killed your mother...who left me alone."

My grip loosened.

"N-No. You know that's not true. Sh-She died because she was sick. It wasn't anyone's fault."

I say, noticing tears starting to brim in my eyes.

He cocked his head.

"Was it though?"

I suddenly let go of him and yell.

"Yes! It was j-just sickness. N-Nobody was at wasn't wasn't me...she was wasn't me..."

He gathered himself and stood up.

"But what nobody ever told you was that she got sick because of her pregnancy...with you, Charlotte...if she would have just gotten rid of you before you were born this wouldn't have happened!"

He stepped forward.

I shook my head.

"Y-You're a liar...."

He looked up at me with an unreadable expression.

"No, Charlotte..."

He steadied himself.

"You are..."

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