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My feet stomp as I pace around my room.

"I have to go back!"

"No you don't! You're the reason for all of this! If you go back, it will hurt everyone even more!"


"I don't want to hear it! You aren't going back. There's no point. If you do, everyone will hate you."

"You're wrong!"

I yell at nothing.

"Do you really believe that Charlotte?"

I hang my head, staring at my dirty shoes.


"Then why are you standing here, talking to yourself? Again? Don't you see...if you really believed that it mattered that much for you to be in New York, if you believed they really needed you, you would have stayed. Do you know how I know that, Charlotte?"

I remain quiet.

"Because I am you. I'm not real. You've been talking to yourself for months, because you can't actually talk yourself into things. You don't even have the courage to stay in the same state as those people. You almost killed Addie. Do you think she'll ever really forgive you?"

I ball my hands into fists.

"I-I my friends. Th-That's all that I have..."

She laughed quietly.


I remain staring at the floor.

"If you really cared about them, you'd stay and let your memory fade away. Did you think a lonely little country girl like you could make it in that big city? You could barely survive at home."

I nod.

"You're right."

"I know."


I wait.

And I wait.

And I wait.

But I hear nothing.

No little voice.

No "constructive criticism".


A terrible silence.

A silence like the silence in the theater when Darren got shot.

A silence like the silence of a hospital waiting room.

A silence like an evening without the ones you love.

A silence without anyone to talk to.

Even the voice in your head is gone.

I sigh.

Not even a cute Walt Disney quote can pull me up now.

I don't have anything to hold on to.

It's like I've fallen into a canyon, and I can't get up by myself.

I need someone to throw me a rope,but there isn't anyone there.

Well, there was someone there but I pushed them away.

I neglected their attention.

They tried to help and I pushed them away.

Maybe I should have just stayed home.

Never come to New York.

None of this would have happened.

It's all my fault.

And this time I can't fix it.

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