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I trudge to Addie's room.

My feet stop moving when I hear her singing through the door.

"Don't wish. Don't start. Wishing only wounds the heart."

I turn around and walk away.


Darren spots me from the waiting room.

"Good, you're back."

I nodded.

He patted the chair next to him.

I flopped into it, sighing.

He stared at my face.

"Charlotte, were you crying?"

I shook my head.


He poked my nose.

"I'm your husband. You can't lie to me."

"Oh, but you can."

I shrunk in my seat.

"Was it Wicked?"

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"Was it Wicked?"

I covered my face with my hands, nodding.

He chuckled.


"Hey, Charlotte?"

Oak poked his head out of Addie's room, glaring at me bitterly.

"Yes, Treeman?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Addie wants to talk to you."

I nod, standing up and walking to the room.

"Greetings, Earthling."

I mumble, sitting in the seat next to her bed.

She groans.

"Such a fucking dork."

I shrug.

"What did you need, Love?"

Her face turned serious.

"I want you Usher if-"

I slap her arm.

"No. Don't start with that shit."

She looks at her lap sadly.

"I'm serious."

We stay silent for a few minutes before she points to her bag.

"Grab my phone."

I give her a skeptical look before reaching in her bag and pulling out her phone.

She takes it and plays music.

I tense up immediately.

It's Defying Gravity.

"Of fucking course."

I shake my head.

"W-Well I'm just gonna l-leave you to your...whatever."

I stutter, stumbling out of the room.

Darren looks up from his book.

"How'd it go?"

I shake my head.

"G-Good. I'm gonna go g-get food. S-See you in a bit."

He nods skeptically.

I leave the hospital, again finding myself wandering the streets of New York.

The noise is deafening.

I put my head in my hands.

"God...I can't lose another one...I can't."

Someone chuckles.

"And yet it seems like you don't really care."

I spin on my heels, facing the hospital doors.

"What are you talking about?"

She groaned.

"When the bomb went off at the wedding, you were nowhere to be found. You didn't do anything about it after it happened. You could have easily stopped this and didn't."

I stared at my shoes, shaking my head.

"What do you know?! You aren't even here! I'm just imagining you! I'm punishing myself with you!"

There was silence.

Well, not silence.

We're still in New York.

"I want you to think long and hard about this, Charlotte. You can get rid of all of this whenever you want, but then all you'll you....You'll be right back where you started, and you have truly thrown away your shot."

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