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I stumble back into the apartment after a whole day of shopping with the girl I met to discuss Chicago.

I learned her name was Ester.

We hit it off right away.

We both came home with a few new shirts.

I heard quiet music from in the back of the apartment.

A smile crept onto my face.

Sweet piano music filled the rooms.

And then an even sweeter voice.

'It's a big, bright, beautiful world, with happiness all around. Its peaches and cream if our dream comes true."

I put my bag down and crept behind a door.

I imagined soft hands dancing gracefully across the keys, setting the music free from their fingertips.

"It's a big, bright, beautiful world, with possibilities everywhere. If true love is blind, maybe you won't mind the view. I know I'm not the handsome prince for whom you've waited. I don't have a fancy castle and I'm not sophisticated."

I giggled quietly enough to where he couldn't hear me.

More notes flooded the tiny apartment.

"A princess and an ogre I admit is complicated. You've never read a book like this. But fairytales should really be updated."

I heard him applying more force to the keys.

I love when he does this.

I love when he just feels the music and doesn't care whether he breaks the piano or not.

"Its a big, bright, beautiful world. I see it now. I'll let it in. I'll tear down the wall and clear a spot for two."

He paused.

"To be with... you."

There were a few more keys pressed until he hit the last one and chuckled to himself.

I stood from my hiding place behind the door.

"That was beautiful, Shrek."


My alarm screamed at me to wake up.

I bolted upright and squealed.

Today is the day.

The day I break free.

I noted to add a bounce to my step as I gallivanted through the city and to the Ambassador Theater.

Darren told me to wear the new jacket I got with Esther yesterday.

It was camouflage with little pins and patches decorating the front and back.

It was the first time since Tony night that I had actually paid attention to my wardrobe.

I couldn't help the smile that made its way to my lips as I opened the heavy doors.

Esther smiled and showed me backstage to where the other people were warming up for their audition.

I cracked my knuckles and found my way to the bathroom.

My tea was about empty before I even started to warm up.

I ran through scales and my audition song twice before exiting the bathroom.

The other people in the waiting area looked scared to death.

I smirked and calmly took my seat.

People came and went as quickly as they arrived.

I soon realized they were going backwards alphabetically.


I focused on a painting over the exit door.

I was confused at first but then I realized it was a dog.

When my name was finally called, I stood from my seat and calmly walked into the auditorium, inevitably forcing myself to stand as straight as I ever have.

One of the three people in the audience nodded in my direction.

My mouth opened and the music played.

And a part was earned.

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