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"Come on, Charlotte. Just come with us."

Alex groans into the phone.

I sigh.

"I don't want to go out right now."

She grunted, I could imagine her stomping her foot like she used to all the time.

"Charlotte Lillian, you will come out with us and go eat dinner with your family or so help me I will call Aunt Judy down from Heaven to kick your ass."

I chuckle to myself, making a snorting noise.

"Just do it. Get out of this ratty room."

I hummed, putting a hand over the mic.

"For once I think you're giving me good advice."

I let go of the mic and put my phone to my face.

"Fine. I'll be at the shop in an hour. We can go from there."

She squeals and talks to someone else on the other side.

I smirk, hanging up the phone and trudging to my closet.

I tear the doors open and sigh.

"You didn't think to bring any of your nice clothing when you left?"

I shrugged, pulling a decent maroon dress off the hanger and slipping it over my head.


I am barely through the door when my cousins rush out to me and smother me in affection.

"You look so pretty!"

"I love your dress!"

"Did you do your own makeup?!"

I nod.

"Charlotte Lillian, I know better than anyone that you have no clue how to do makeup."

Alex said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I learned from the best."

I say, thinking of all the hours and hours of makeup lessons from Addie.

She giggles.

My attention draws to their dresses.

I almost choke on my own spit.

Alex is in a peachy pink dress that has no sleeves and a silky bit at the bottom.

Andrea stood next to her in a teal/baby blue dress with flowing sleeves and a gem that went down to her knees.

Allison bounced on her heels next to her with a surprisingly fancy maternity dress in a mustard yellow color and flower decorations at the bottom.

It takes ever once of energy left in me to not start laughing like a madman.

I simply let out a cough to cover up my hysterical laughter.

"I love your dresses."

I manage to squeak.

My brain shuts off and I completely crack.

I bend over and hold my knees, snorting and chuckling like an idiot.

"Charlotte honey..."

I hold a hand up to stop her.

"I'm ok...thought about something from a long time ago."

At least I didn't lie.


We take a seat in a booth at a fancy-looking restaurant.

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