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My foot taps violently on the floor of the airport.

My phone buzzes in my lap.

"Aren't you going to answer that?"

The little chip on my shoulder asks.

I glare at nothing and check my phone.


I swipe the message away.

"Good choice. She doesn't care anyways. No point in wasting your time."

She says sarcastically.

They call for us to get on the plane.

I pick up my one tiny bag and board.


"Where do ya wanna start?"

I look around me, sighing.

"This is ridiculous. Why did I fly all the way out to Tennessee to find Marcus when he's probably somewhere in his own country."

I slap myself in the face.

"Well if we're only here to sightsee, do you remember that one orchard you went to together all the time?"

I shrug.

"Yeah. Why?"

She laughs.

"I want to see it."

I throw my hands in the air.

"You're a figment of my imagination! You can't see anything!"

She scoffed.

"I can see you. And I can see the fact that you're being an asshole."

I growl and start walking, ignoring the multiple messages coming from my phone.


We...I pull up into the driveway for the orchard in my rental car.

I slam the door and walk to the entrance.

A lady at the gate smiles at me.

I smile back.

But it isn't real.

"Charlotte, you should answer your friends."

I brush her off and find the tallest tree I can find.

"You can't keep just leaving without telling anyone. You are beginning to be like Addie."

I continue to ignore her and climb the tree.

"Charlotte you're going to hurt yourself."

I sigh, stopping for a moment on a comfortable branch.

"Maybe! If I'm lucky!"

She groans.

"If you fall and break another bone, I will personally put a spork through your esophagus."

I laugh and continue climbing, huffing.

"You can't do that, because you're not real!"

I reach as far as I can go without the branch being too unstable.

The sun is beginning to sink behind the mountains.

I sigh.

A voice calls from below.

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