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My foot tapped on the floor, my eyes desperately looking at anything else besides the bed.

"Darren...say something...anything."

He looked at the ceiling.

"Nice weather we're having."

Oak bitterly chuckled next to him.

The monitor beeped, but the blonde in the bed was silent and unmoving. 

I cursed myself.


"Charlotte, please come take a shower and eat. You need to leave this room."

I sat with my legs to my chest and my arms wrapped around my knees.

"This was all my fault."

I murmured.

Darren sighed.

"Charlotte. Love, you could have never seen this coming. It's in no way your fault."

"Oh but it is."

I put my face in my knees.

" is."

He shook his head, taking a seat next to me.

"You don't have to be responsible for her. She's a grown woman. She can take care of herself."

I snapped.

"Obviously she can't, Darren! She got barbecued at her wedding, she almost killed herself once, and she got shot! Obviously she can't take care of herself!"

He was taken back, but shook his head again.

"None of that is your fault, Charlotte."

I paused, taking my head out from my knees.

"Isn't it though?"

I stand up and head to the door.

"I'm going to change clothes. Call me if anything happens."

I slam the door on my bewildered husband.

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