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I open my eyes slightly, seeing infinite nothingness around me.

I jolt up, turning my head in all directions to see where I was.

A hand grips my shoulder.

I shriek and spin on my heels.

Addie takes her hand away from my shoulder, a dull look on her face and blood dripping down her chin.

My eyes trail up her arms to the gashes grazing her arms.

I suck in air and push bile back down into my throat.

"Aren't you sorry?"

I look up at her, focusing on anything but her face.

"F-For what?"

She stomps on the ground loudly, causing me to jump.

The earth seems to fall out from underneath us.

We fall through the air until everything goes dark.

I open my eyes again in a basement somewhere.

White powder graces the ground and sticks to my clothes.

A normal Addie, stripped of blood and wounds, sits on the ground cradling a blade.

I scramble to my feet and try to call for her but she can't hear me.

The other Addie, bloody and numb stands at my side.

"For this."

The clean Addie sniffles and squeezes her eyes shut.


I reach out but my hand is shocked with electricity.

I pull back aggressively.

She sucks in a breath and moves the blade to-

I go onto my knees and cover my face with my arms.

A 'thump' is heard and I'm back in the dark.

I involuntarily scream and I don't stop for what seems like hours.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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