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I sit on the side of the bed with Darren.

"Why do you think these are coming back all of a sudden?"

His eyes widen, his body tenses up, and he looks away from me.


He is silent.

A chill goes through the room.

".....They're sending me back."

My heart stops beating.

I stop breathing.


He looks at me.

"I got the letter a week ago."

I stand up and walk to the corner.

"I have to go back."

I sink to my butt in the corner.

"No! You don't have to! You have the right to say no! Y-You can stay here. You don't h-have to go back yet! Ever!"

I say, starting to become hysterical.

"You can't just get up and leave me."

I feel like someone punched me in the face.

".......just like I did."

I say, almost at a whisper.

Tears blur my vision.

"Darren you can't go back! Please don't!"

He gives me sad eyes.

I pull at a loose piece of hair and growl.

I can only see helicopters and late night phone calls and weapons and pain.

He sits in front of me.

"When d-do you leave?"

He sighs, sitting with me and playing with my hair, obviously calmed down.

"Next Monday."

"Let's make the most of it then."

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