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i called kai and he picked up less than 2 seconds. "what do you want?" he sounded sleepy.

"what did you tell yixing today jongin?" i threatened him with my stern voice.

" were there? i thought you abandoned that studio long time ago." he defended himself.

"well shit, i would never." i said, keeping calm. "you just exposed my hidden place pabo, and my talent."

"that's a good thing isn't it?" he sounded innocent.

"especially when you told yixing about it. i swear, jongin i will beat you one day." i groaned.

"hajima! yixing asked me where a dance studio is around here so i told him yours since its the nearest." he blabbered. there was a moment of silence, just the sound of me sighing in frustration. "so how'd it go with yixing?" i could tell he was smirking his ass off.

"jongin ah, jjinja paboya." i spat then declined his call. it was normal for us both to say these things because we're the close and we argued alot since 5th grade. but that doesn't stop our friendship.

...and for some reason, i didn't even regret a single thing being in the same studio as yixing.

i honestly thought yixing followed me since i sensed the sweet smell of him everywhere i go. but i seemed to forgot i was wearing his shirt that he borrowed me. it smelled a lot like him.


when i saw him in class today, he sat with suho in the front and of course, i had to sit in the back again because of my late arrival. beside me was a girl and pretended like she wasn't there.

my eyes looked at suho and yixing for too long, they were laughing and slapping each other's shoulders silently when the teacher was writing words on the board. then i looked somewhere else, there were only chanyeol and xiumin and both of them are the people i know well besides suho.

"oh sehun." the teacher put his hands on his hips and asked me a sudden question about this boring subject. all eyes were fixed on me.

i stayed silent and glanced at my seatmate for help. she wasn't even bothered. "are you even listening when i taught the whole lesson infront?" the teacher raised his voice and shook his head. i just stared back at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"i volunteer." yixing raised his hand and said the long answer precisely. the teacher nodded, he got it right.

"i let you off this time, sehun. thanks to yixing." he said seriously and continued to teach us. i rested my chin on my palm and sighed, then i glared at the girl beside me who was flustered by it. i felt so annoyed. yixing glanced at me and i avoided it.


baekhyun followed me to my locker and excitedly talked about a girl he was looking forward to. "i think i like her." he felt his cheeks.

"hyung, if you like her that's not my problem." i said casually.

"im thinking of asking her out on a you have any advice?" he smiled throughout the whole conversation we had.

"advice, you know well im not good at it. why are you attacking me all of a sudden?" i said trying to change the subject.

"sehun ah, almost all girls here like you. you must know how to attract girls then." he gripped my shoulder and smirked.

"they're attracted to me? then that's not my problem either." i rolled my eyes.

"this cold guy, really." baekhyun laughed.

"have you seen yixing?" i asked abruptly, wanting to give his shirt back. my bag probably smelled like his scent all day long.

"yeah he was with a chinese girl i saw just now." baekhyun escorted me to where he saw yixing.

"yixing hyung!" baekhyun called him, instead of me. when yixing saw us, baekhyun pointed at me and mouthed words. i just stared at baekhyun, looking like he's crazy. yixing excuses himself from the girl and went to our direction.

yixing hummed and asked what was going on. i took out his shirt and handed it to him without saying a single word, keeping a straight face. "thanks. you looked great in this shirt color anyways." he told me all of a sudden. i just zipped back my bag and hummed as an agreement. "why are you staying here? go back to your girl there." i said, breaking the silence. baekhyun just stood beside me, giving me a frustrated look. "oh okay, i just thought you wanted to say something." yixing weakly smiled and headed back.

baekhyun stared at me with a poker face. "boya?!" he made a facial expression like he wasn't satisfied. "manners, sehun." he shook his head.

"hyung, i'll tell you when i give a fuck about a thing. which means never." i said. he just hit my forehead and said my nice manners are completely ruined.

"what's with that shirt by the way?....omO WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!" baekhyun said almost shouting. i widened my eyes at his words.

"aniYA baekhyun! what are you on about!" i shoved him slightly.

"speaking informally to me now? yah does that mean it really happened?" he smirked.

"aish! hajima." i shushed his noisy ass, clenching my jaw annoyed by him. i faced away from him trying to feel my heated face, it was no joke i really blushed a lot.

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