fifty two

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it felt weird to not have anything wrapped around my fingers. it felt weird to not have sehun around me like how he usually does come to me even at hard times like these. i cried so hard at the balcony, looking at the stars above, wishing sehun won't move on easily like how i am having difficulties because of him right now.

it is always him, always oh sehun who makes my heart weak and broken at times. but without him, i feel empty like a used can that they crumple to bits and threw it away to the bin and useless like a broken swing.

"why sehun?" i cried, at this point i should have run out of tears already. "why do you have to do this to me?"

i called tao, asking him to accompany me because he's all i have right now. i should've listened to him before i fell harder for sehun. tao's right at everything.

"yixing? im here..." tao said quietly and headed to the balcony, putting a hand on my shoulder. "i brought kai here with me...we were hanging out and i had to come here quickly. i can't let you down."

"im already down and there's no way to fix it." i laughed bitterly, with tears falling down. "hello kai." i greeted without glancing.

"yixing hyung...are you okay?" kai worried and dropped all his shopping bags on the floor.

"oh, im totally fine." i smiled, smearing all my tears to the side. "shouldn't you be with sehun, kai? comfort him for being his bestfriend? or does he not care at all and he's totally fine that he forgot about me?"

"h-hyung...what? i seriously don't know what happened. sehun didn't call me or anything..." kai said.

"okay kai that just made things worse for yixing." tao said. "forget what kai said and just...take a rest, yixing. why are you out here at the balcony alone?" he helped me stand up and lastly plopped me down on the couch.

"what happened?" kai mouthed at tao, concerned.

"i don't know either, kai but i know for sure it's because of sehun. yixing's just like this because of sehun." tao said. i must be out of my mind that i cried and laughed at the same time.

"he did it again, tao." i croaked. "he broke my heart." kai listened closely.

"what did he do this time?" tao groaned.

"he cheated on me..." i said blankly. "i don't know,'s complicated."

"i warned you about him, yixing. he's a player. i told you and look who's broken now?" tao said. "you." he pointed a finger at me.

"s-sehun what? cheated? what?!" kai widened his eyes. "i better confront to him about this seriously. how dare he?!" kai said frustratingly and rushed out of the door immediately.

"i don't know anymore, tao...i don't tired of everything." i sobbed.

"shh, it's okay. you have a shoulder to cry on. here." tao leaned my head on his shoulder while i cry silently. "don't think about him too much anymore."

and i did. i tried to get my mind off of him and calmed myself a bit. tao tried everything to cheer me back up and it wasn't really working. sehun made a huge effect on me.



"sehun im gonna fucking kill you!" kai shouted and vigorously knocked on my door. "open the fuck up do you wanna fight bro?! how dare you cheat on yixing?! im gonna punch you so hard once you open this piece of shit door!" kai yelled manly.

i stayed laying on my bed with a few bottles of alcohol surrounding me. i croaked out a reply. my vision started to blur and trippy. i feel dead inside.

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