thirty four

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!! [ mature content ]

"so, what is the last plan?" i asked chanyeol and kai.

"we'll expose him, really. i have a recorded song of him singing some extremely sexual song to taeyeon when he was drunk. that idiot even introduced himself at the start of the song so the whole school should know its him. his voice sounded so bad! baekhyun sent it to me, that little shit stalked them but im grateful we have this recording. it's useful. thanks to baekhyun." chanyeol took out the audio recorder and smirked.

"and? what are we gonna do with it?" i asked, dumbfounded. i didn't plan anything with them because i was too busy sleeping and thinking about yixing last night, so i missed out pretty much.

"simple. we'll expose him through the school announcement speaker where the whole school can hear everything. the principal will be gone during breaktime due to some special meeting. i'll make sure the cctv cameras in the office are all covered. so, we're good. we set up everything last night while your lazy ass slept." kai said. "we'll start after class." he whispered.


we snuck into the principal's office, making sure nobody suspected us. kai and i always get suspected for the stupidest things, really. we always get in trouble but chanyeol luckily often got out of it. people never even suspected him, even the slightest. so this might be bad for kai and i. eitherway, when is it beneficial for us in school anyways? all we do is make trouble and get caught. but kai is much less worse than me.

"turn the volume up." i said to kai since he was in charge of the sound effects.

"ready? in 3,2,1..." chanyeol mercilessly put the audio recorder very closely to the mic so the people could clearly hear it.

"yah! this is kwon jiyong-" jiyong slurred.

"i know you are." taeyeon giggled.

then he started to sing to taeyeon and i died laughing in the office. carefully not to be loud.

i sneaked out of the office and saw the people's reactions. they were all so flustered and embarrassed by jiyong. some of them were gossiping and laughing at jiyong's bad cracked voice. "that's kwon jiyong?!" they all gasped. "he sounds so fucking bad my ears are bleeding! what's up with those sexual lyrics? that's so embarrassing!"

then i saw a pair of securities heading towards the office, shoving everyone out of the way. i immediately told chanyeol and kai to cut it out and escape from the office. oh hell no.

"go out of the damn window! don't use the door! securities are heading here-" i quickly opened the window sill and told chanyeol and kai to jump out first. "get your ass out of here hurry the fuck up jongin!" i panicked.

just when the door was creaked open, i successfully escaped and crouched down from the window to avoid being seen. "they blocked the cctv suspecting it's those troublemakers again." one of the security groaned and investigated the office. "it's pure evidence that kwon jiyong, the school president is the victim."

"what the hell is going on?!" the principal barged in his own office, with his face scrunched. "get that brat, kwon jiyong here right away!" he shouted furiously at the prefect behind him.

"sorry but we didn't catch the suspects. they escaped too fast." the securities said. "they blocked the cctv cameras using black underwears, sir. not sure who's they are." we eavesdropped everything. the underwears are jiyong's that he left in his gym locker room. kai and chanyeol quietly giggled.

"oh sehun...oh sehun is always the first suspect when things like this happens!" the principal yelled mentally. "find oh sehun eventually!" he demanded another prefect. "if he's not there, he's probably escaping!"

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