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"where are you heading off to?" minho asked as i stepped out of the tent. "you just got here."

"i need some fresh air, so it's gonna take some time." i said. "i'll be back."

"be careful out there." he smiled and i just nodded.

i walked past so many tents, including the girls' tents. they attacked me with so many questions whenever i tried to leave. "yixing right? aren't you sehun's old partner?" "is he good in bed?" "why are you not his partner anymore?" "did he kick you out?"

the rumours spread around like wildfire, especially about the douchebag, oh's true rumours though. all of the questions were about sehun. i couldn't answer them anymore because the more i stayed, more girls came. i gently pushed all the girls surrounding me and apologized if i accidentally pushed hard. i needed to get out of there. "sorry girls, i can't answer too much." i finally got out and ran to another path where it was silent and peaceful.

"aish. my hair's all messy." i sighed as i fixed my hair. "those girls were no joke about sehun." i groaned. sehun needs to realize how popular he actually is.

"lay!" someone shouted from the distance. lay...only xiumin calls me that. i followed where the voice was heard. i saw xiumin with the rest of the guys. "come here!"

i slowly walked there and my gaze only focused on sehun and luhan, again. they were both linking their hands together comfortably infront of these people..."what's the matter, lay?" xiumin snapped my thoughts off.

"n-nothing..." i sat beside xiumin and awkwardly greeted all of them except sehun and luhan. i saw them kissing each other's foreheads and laughed together. what a disgusting couple.

"hyung! we got some great news for you...sehun and luhan are dating! i never thought this would happen..." kai said directly to me.

"o-oh...really? wow okay." i pretended to be shocked but i already knew. "that's...nice." i avoided all of their eye contacts. but baekhyun sent me a concerned look.

"i have no words." kris blurted out.

"me neither." suho said blankly.

"that's not really shocking, come on guys. sehun's obviously gay." chen smirked. kyungsoo silently nodded, agreed with chen.

"he has never talked about girls once in his life." chanyeol added. "just to let you know, luhan hyung."

"congrats~" they all made up a congratulations song randomly for the couple. they just grinned and thanked them. i stayed silent and stared at sehun for god knows how long. it hurt me on how happy he was. my heart ached and felt like i wanted to let out a tear but it just didn't feel right at all.

"let's play the pepero game!" chen suggested while smirking. "don't really kiss each other guys! who has the shortest pepero left wins." chen abrupty let out a pack of pepero out of his bomber jacket.

"you brought a pepero and didn't tell me?" suho said, offended.

"yeah, otherwise you'll finish it all." chen groaned. "okay so who's gonna pair with who?"

"nah, im not playing this shit." kris said coolly.

"shut up, you're playing. it's fun!" tao resisted and kris groaned.

"let's just decide the pairs with playing spin the bottle." kyungsoo said.

"you don't want to do it with me? im offended." kai crossed his arms.

"just to play it fair, jongin." kyungsoo smirked and spinned the bottle fastly. "well, i hope i got you." he muttered.

kyungsoo and kai.
tao and suho.
baekhyun and chanyeol.
chen and xiumin
luhan and kris
lastly, sehun and me...

bittersweet » hunlay [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now