fifty seven

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i packed my clothes and everything inside my bag and a bunch of boxes. my room felt even more empty now that i packed everything like i was about to move out. it didn't feel the same way anymore...i couldn't believe i was leaving south korea. suho sent us a picture of him with a nice and sunny background behind him, he's already in australia. suho left south korea and it was almost my turn.

kim junmyeon: "arrived in australia! miss you guys already! xx"

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kim junmyeon: "arrived in australia! miss you guys already! xx"

"do you need a hand?" sehun asked, putting his phone back inside his pocket.

"i think everything's already packed up." i said.

"how about your korean instant noodles?" sehun went to the kitchen and opened the upper cabinet. he raised at brow at me and i chuckled.

"i forgot to pack those." i innocently said.

"you have to bring these because it's not just simple instant noodles. it's korean! there, in china you don't have these..." sehun said and kindly packed the noodles for me inside an extra box. "plus, it's ramen. you'll think about me because i love ramen." sehun said cutely.

"thank you for understanding me, sehun..." i said.

"it's okay, baby boy. it's for your own good and im not stopping you." he taped the boxes tightly. "this is what you want...and now you're living the dream." he smiled at me, but the look in his eyes told me otherwise. he was still sad.

i sighed and went over to him, back hugging him. " gonna miss you." i leaned my side profile on his back. "will you visit me one day?"

"of course, babe. i already know i can't last a day while you're away. i have no one else to cuddle with." sehun said.

"you can't cuddle with anyone else..." i pouted. "except kai, he's an exception. he knows you much more longer."

"he'll be with kyungsoo." sehun turned to face me and looked down at me. "who will be fucking with me now?" sehun whispered into my ear.

"shut up, sehun. just because im away doesn't mean you can fuck with anyone else other than me." i crossed my arms and he giggled.

"don't worry, baby. i love you." sehun carried me and sat me on the counter, putting his hands on my thighs. "we can still have facetime sex?" he bit his lip and i choked on my own saliva.

"sehun!" i blushed.

"well, im not joking though." he wrapped his arms around my waist, admiring me from below. and i wrapped my arms around his neck. "kiss me, baby boy." he closed his eyes.

i smiled while putting my lips on his, he slowly kissed me back and went with the tongue. i didn't expect that so i might've moaned a bit. he was the one to pull away and pecked my lips again. "it's almost time for you to go..." he thinned his lips.

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