twenty six

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"good to see you back in school, oh sehun." the teacher eyed me. "is everything alright?"

"yeah, sure. can we just go on and end the lesson already?" i said. everyone looked at me and smirked.

"you never change, do you?" the teacher glared at me and continued the lesson. i found yixing smirking beside me and averted his gaze on his notebook when i accidentally made eye contact. we haven't talked for like two days and it frustrated me so much. we mentioned each other's names but not directly talking to each other. i just sighed and focused on the lesson today but it was hard ever since yixing sat next to me. my grades probably dropped harder than before.

"you, especially oh sehun. need to focus more in class. your grades are dropping pretty badly." the teacher rambled and slammed the long ruler on my desk. i flinched and nodded weakly.

"im trying." i groaned. yixing just giggled when the teacher turned away. "excuse you." i said, offended. "is trying a bad thing?"

"no it's not. mind your own business." yixing said awkwardly and pointed at the board full of words. "focus."

"yeah right, focus." i mocked his not so deep voice. "don't disturb me, stupid." i spat.

"am i stupid or are you?" he smirked and i facepalmed myself. i was very offended so i stepped his foot harshly under the desk. he loudly groaned and i glared at him.

"okay we're both stupid!" yixing shrieked and i let go. "aish-" yixing almost swore at me and i smiled widely. it had been a while.


when i got out of the class, i saw the faces of the people who bashed me during the last day of camping when i got truly exposed. they all sent me a dirty look as i walked. "what the hell is your problem?" i stared back.

"loser." he spat and it got on my nerve quickly. i was so sensitive at that day. i took offense pretty fast.

"man if you want to fight just let me know." i grabbed his collar as soon as he said that.

"chill, sehun!" the girls tried to calm me down.

"don't tell me to chill ever again." i tightened the grip and didn't broke the eye contact. "say something, asshole." i smirked.

"scared? wow." i threw him off the ground and sighed. "shouldn't you be the bully here?" i laughed.

"that's enough, sehun." tao held me back.

"that asshole got the chance to make my jaw bruised. why can't i do my revenge back?" i smirked and pushed tao off. "get away, asshole number two."

"don't make me use my martial arts skill on you." tao snapped. "take a look, sehun. that guy is traumatized."

"that's good, im gonna make him traumatize more." i said as i lifted the guy up again and beat him up. the crowd started to form as i beat him again. "you know, you shouldn't have called me a loser. im pretty sensitive." i glared at him and shoved him out of the way.

"what's going on here?!" the principal shoved the crowd away and stood infront of me.

"he beat me up! oh sehun beat me up!" the guy shouted and got up quickly, hiding behind the principal.

"you fucking asshole!-" i shouted and tried to pull his shirt aggressively but tao held me back. "oh look who's talking here you're the one who started it first!-" i swore forbidden words at the guy.

"oh sehun!" the principal cut me off. "to the office, now!" he shouted. i glared at the guy again and he smirked.

"what are you looking at, fucker?!" i punched him one last time, he fell and people helped him up. the principal pulled me away and dragged me to the office forcefully.

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