twenty two

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i went out of the tent, trying to ease the awkwardness between minho and i. i knew i applied the concealer pretty thick so i was confident it may not come off. i bumped into tao who was about to find me anyways. "yixing, are you in for the hike later? the teachers made a hiking activity out of the blue." i just nodded. "i'll be waiting. be sure to change your clothes! see you later." he patted my chest.

he was in a hurry i could tell. so he didn't even give me a chance to answer him. i saw most of the people already changing their clothes into their gym attire. i hurriedly grabbed my gym clothes and rushed to the bathroom to change. i didn't feel comfortable to take off my shirt infront of minho anymore...

i tried a new hairstyle even though it was gonna drench in sweat. i slicked my black hair, exposing my forehead. it made me feel more manly and i quickly put on some piercings on my ears. it had been so long since i did myself a makeover. i put on my sports shoes quickly. i know it was only for hiking but fuck it.

i was excited to hike because it had been so long since i exercised regularly. but my body still maintained, also my abs which im grateful for. i grabbed a small towel over my shoulder for the sweat later.

"woooaaah..." tao smirked at my figure as i walked to him. "who are you trying to impress?"

"some girls, maybe." i laughed. "let's get into line." i pulled him into the boys juniors' hiking line and found kyungsoo struggling with himself.

"what are you doing, kyungsoo?" i asked curiously.

"i need to apply more sunscreen or else i'd be bronze like kai." i stared at him applying the sunscreen in numerous layers. it got me a headache watching him.

"speaking of kai, where is he?" tao asked.

"kai's accompanying sehun, know he's embarrassed of his face." kyungsoo answered, still applying the sunscreen.

"i think that's enough sunscreen, kyungsoo..." but he didn't listen, he still applied it under this hot weather. not gonna lie, he was glowing than the sun itself. he was really afraid to get tanned.

"don't you guys need some? i swear, you need it." kyungsoo offered. the sunscreen was left with a bit inside from him almost using all of it without realizing. i kindly refused his offer, so did tao.

the sound of a whistle suddenly echoed throughout the whole woods. we started to hike and these people were pretty fast so i had to speed up also. as well as kyungsoo and tao. "why did i agree to this?" kyungsoo panted as he caught up with us.

"how many minutes left?! im fucking burning!" kyungsoo complained but he still managed to be in the same speed as us.

"it's only been 10 minutes, kyungsoo hyung..." tao smirked. "just wait for another 50 minutes and we're done!"

"what?! we're doing this for one hour?!" kyungsoo felt like dying. "but kai told me it was only for 15 minutes! that asshole, i swear." he angered out.

"i hate sports so much!" he said in frustration. "and kim jongin!"

"maybe he wants you to exercise more." i laughed. kai's such a horrible tease.

"im gonna kill that kid, watch me." kyungsoo's eyes flaring in hatred.


"water! i need water!" kyungsoo snatched chanyeol's bottled water after he just drank it.

"yah! i still want to drink it!" chanyeol hissed. kyungsoo chugged it all down his throat, not leaving some for him anymore. "it's empty!" chanyeol shrieked. they kept bickering and fight until one of them gave up. kyungsoo tortured chanyeol pretty badly but in a playful way.

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