thirty two

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i was covered in a blanket with yixing being my little spoon for the night. with his little beads of sweat on his forehead, i smiled at the sight of him sleeping with his messy black hair and the way he clinged on me. he looked like a hot mess. i slowly went off his bed and showered quickly, using my clothes from last night except for my dirty underwear...i searched through his closet because i needed a clean one.

i stroded off to the kitchen and switched off the tv from last night. we were too busy doing something to even turn it off. i had nothing to do so i cleaned the snacks away and prepared coffees for yixing and i. since i don't really know how to cook, it sucks.

"morning." i greeted yixing as he walked slowly. "you okay?" i smirked.

"it hurts." he groaned and sat down across from me. he couldn't make eye contact with me because he was too embarrassed. "you're up so early."

"of course. if i can bake pancakes, i would do it for you, yixing. but i made coffee instead." i handed him the coffee i made him earlier.

he stayed quiet and blushed, shyly drinking the coffee. "look at me, yixing. why are you avoiding my eyes?" i smirked.

"isn't this too awkward?" he paused.

"well, talk to me if it's awkward." i lifted his chin so his eyes could meet mine but he looked down on the floor.

"baby..." i smirked and smiled before hiding his face. "you're so shy at me all of a sudden? since when?" i teased.

"i can't look at you!" he shrieked and i saw the blush pigment on his cheeks. "stop saying baby i am not your baby."

i made a quick move to kiss his cheek. he widened his eyes and froze. "we've done more than a kiss cheek, yixing. why are you acting like this?"

"it's just weird because you never acted like this to me." he said.

"it's more weird because you have a daddy kink. what was that all about?" i hotly smirked.

"n-no i don' heard things." he lied. "...we didn't just you know, did we?" he blushed, still unbelieving at the fact that we did things more than just friends.

"we did and nobody's taking your virginity other than me now." i raised my brow and he groaned. "your daddy kink though." i winked.

"hajima, sehun ah." he scolded and i laughed. "don't think about last night ever again. we were both just horny."

"we should do it again often." i smirked and earned a smack from yixing.

i kept staring at yixing without even realizing it. he just looked too beautiful even when he was just sitting down doing nothing. i was too distracted by him, afraid to fall in love. i stood up and went over to him. staring at him closely on purpose so he would feel uncomfortable. "sehun, stop." he groaned.

"look at me." he finally gazed back at me and i quickly kissed him on the lips and he kissed me back. i slithered my tongue in his mouth and he let out a soft moan against my lips. "stop moaning, you're turning me on again."

"i can't help it." he smirked and pecked my lips again. "about last night...did you mean what you said?"

i laughed sarcastically and intertwined our hands together, kissing his hand with full of passion. "no."

yixing shoved my hand away and rolled his eyes, getting away from me. "it's better to be friends, i know." he said bitterly. "i didn't mean it when i said i wanted you, anyways." i felt a pang of pain shot through my chest...his stingy words got me.

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