twenty one

785 56 75


"you're up so early..." taemin yawned after seeing me watching him getting up. i just clasped my fingers and raised my eyebrows. his expression changed into a 'busted' look. ", im just gonna go-" he took his towel and toothbrush, ready to leave the tent.

"sit back down." i smiled and he sat down hesitatingly. "so..." i took a sip of my bottled water, waiting for his explanation.

"ah, you look like you didn't sleep at all. where did those dark circles come from?-" he rambled.

"you told me you deleted it. but you didn't." i glared at him. "but what did you do instead? it went viral." i said, emphasizing every word.

"it wasn't me!" taemin avoided eye contact.

"you and your pity lies..." i laughed. "you're so dead." i said seriously, my face turned into a frown. i grabbed his leg and hit him playfully.

"i didn't mean to!" he said, struggling to escape.

"i'll let you go this time. only this time. if you spread more rumors about me, i will not let you live." i let go of his leg and he quickly went out of the tent.

now, what do i do? i couldn't go out of the tent alone or else i would get ambushed by these fanatic people. that was it, i got bored being inside of the tent for hours so i needed help. i shouldn't text kai because he'd let me go easily into the crowd, i think i should just get help from chanyeol because he's tall, he could be my shield.

oh sehun: "hyung, can you help me get out of this tent?"

park chanyeol: "sure, on my way."

chanyeol unzipped my tent and gasped eventually at the sight of my face. "so it's true!" he said loudly. i quickly shushed him. i changed my shirt and doubled it with a black hoodie so i could cover my horrendous face. chanyeol escorted me and got me out. what i expected was true, girls were all crowding chanyeol and i. they kept asking me questions, but i ignored them. this happened often whenever there were rumors about me.

"yah! stop pulling us!" chanyeol groaned at the girls. chanyeol's grip on my arm tightened because a girl tried to pull me. i accidentally showed my face to her and she gasped.

"oh my god! it's true!" she exposed. when the girls were distracted by her, chanyeol made a move to escape and dragging me with him.

"you're not a fucking joke, sehun. i just got sweat all over my body." chanyeol showed me his sweaty back. "i don't get why you're so popular." he shook his head and brought me to his tent.

i uncovered my face and showed it to chanyeol. "what happened?! did you even sleep? those dark circles are pretty bad." chanyeol squinted his big eyes because i looked half dead.

"n-nothing, really. i just fell clumsily. i hit my face with some sharp twigs on the ground and it scratched me." i lied. "and no, i didn't feel like sleeping last night."

"really? that doesn't make sense. your lips are bruised and your eyes are puffy." chanyeol suspiciously said. "im not good at investigating lies so im not sure."

"come on, hyung just tell the others that i fell brutally and viral it. that would make a good explanation for those curious people out there." i sighed. "i didn't get into a damn fight."

"alright! i'll tell them. what if they found out the actual truth?"

"w-what? that's the truth!" i widened my eyes. chanyeol still couldn't believe me but he just did whatever i told him to do.

"why didn't you go to your boyfriend?" he asked curiously. i blinked and hesitated the answer.

"he's busy."

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