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"about yesterday..." i started and sehun stopped whatever he was doing. "i heard everything you said." he continued to pretend not hearing me.

"you're forgiven." i said, both of us avoiding eye contact. "...sorry, too." i rubbed the nape of my neck nervously. he just stared at me and didn't say anything while fidgeting his muscular hands. honestly, i waited for him to answer back but i wasted my time instead.

he brushed my shoulder while passing me and went out of the tent easily. i watched him putting his hands in his pockets waiting for someone, i assumed. "sehunnie~" a sweet voice called from outside, i took a peek of who it was. luhan.

"luhan hyung!" sehun hugged him happily and put his hand around the back of luhan's neck, never letting him go. "so glad you came back." sehun kissed luhan's forehead silently. luhan slapped his arm shyly and sehun smirked.

somehow, i felt really empty and invisible like my heart stopped pumping. seeing them together made me want to puke everywhere. it was that feeling all over again...i hate this. "yixing! you good? how's your hand?" luhan spotted me peeking so i tensed up.

"fine." i said flatly.

"im glad you're fine." luhan smiled at me.

"yeah, sure." i said with no emotions at all. i ignored both of those love sickened people and brushed past sehun's shoulder like he did before but this time, harshly.

"are you okay, sehun? what's wrong with yixing?" luhan took care of sehun's 'hurt' shoulder. luhan started to get on my nerves really bad. i headed to another direction and bumped into kyungsoo's small body.

"aish- oh! yixing hyung! be careful next time, i almost swore at you..." kyungsoo giggled and helped me get up.

"you can swear at me that will make me realize how stupid i actually am." i said.

"what are you saying? you're smarter than me in school anyways." kyungsoo said. i just smirked and shot him a dumb look so he laughed. "where are you heading off to?" he asked.

"nowhere. i just wanted to go out from my hellish tent." i chuckled.

"well, im about to go to my tent...are you joining?" he politely asked.

"sure thing." i smiled and followed him to his tent, not really far from my tent but still was a confusing spot. i'd still get lost if i ever visit them again.

"kai! wear a damn shirt, how many times do i have to tell you?! i get it, you have a nice body." kyungsoo snapped at shirtless kai.

"nice, eh?" kai smirked at him and wore the shirt nearest him.

"idiot, that's my shirt." kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

"i know. i just wanted to annoy you because you're cute." kai teased kyungsoo playfully.

"im not cute!" kyungsoo strongly rejected.

"okay then, you're hot...but a really cute hottie." kai smirked and earned a rough poke from kyungsoo, leaving kai startled from his original position. i loved seeing these two bicker about anything, really. it made me grin although it felt like third wheeling.

"what's with those cuts on your hand?" kai analyzed my wounded hand curiously, the cuts were still healing.

"it's just from a can...nothing much." i laughed.

"that looks painful..." kai cringed.

" sucks." i took a look at my hand too, remembering the fact that sehun helped me sincerely.

bittersweet » hunlay [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now