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sehun kept playing around with me and i had to stop him before he got more touchy. i told him to clean all the bottles he threw on the floor. thankfully, he listened to me and grabbed the bottles without hesitating and threw it neatly into the trash. drunk sehun is something else...

"i threw it all. im still bored though." he complained and laid his head on my lap while trying to sleep.

"get up." i vibrated my lap and he laughed. "you have those pillows over there." i groaned.

"they're not comfortable." he pouted. "stop moving your lap, it's annoying!"

"really?" i smirked and moved them more until his head vibrated and sat up immediately, glaring at me. "yah. stop playing with me, that's what you get." i chuckled.

"whatever." he groaned and moved on to another couch. "don't come near me." he crossed his arms.

"you're mad? sehun, you're so silly." i laughed at his horrible acting but it was so adorable. "okay, stay mad then."

"you're not gonna comfort me? how rude!" sehun rolled his eyes and felt disappointed because i didn't try to comfort him. i was so into the show playing on the screen.

"you just want attention." i smirked. "otteoke? you're not gonna remember anything when you're sober anyways."

"i will." he slurred while kicking me playfully. he was kind of childish when he's drunk it's entertaining enough for me.

"aigoo...look these kids being innocent. but not a while ago...did i see right?!" sehun's brother plopped himself beside me. " did make out with him, right? i didn't imagine things." his brother said to me, dumbfounded.

i just gulped without answering. "what are you doing here? it's my time with yixing, get out." sehun threw a pillow at his brother.

"yah, are you drunk? why are you talking stupid like that?" his brother furrowed his brows. "'re thankful mom's not here!"

"and you's better for me to catch you both making out on the couch than our mom." his brother pointed at me and i sighed in a relief. "so...what? you're both gay now?" he said calmly.

"aniya! im completely straight!" i strongly denied. sehun just chuckled and exposed himself without hesitating.

"straight guys don't kiss guys on the lips." his brother smirked. "but, whatever. you're probably not ready to come out."

"what are you saying?!" i groaned and he shrugged his shoulders. his brother is pretty chill and a tease. just like his younger brother but more calm.

"you're in big trouble, oh sehun. if mom knows you're're dead." his brother sighed.

"i don't care. yixing will always help me anyways if i get in trouble." sehun talked nonsense. "no?"

"you seriously should shut up, sehun. i won't." i facepalmed.

"let's go upstairs, yixing. my hyung being here is just making things awfully awkward." sehun offered me his hand. i quickly pretended not to see it so i coughed.

"i think its much better in the living room." i resisted.

"let's go upstairs. why not? we can talk privately." sehun placed his hand on my lower back.

"alright, i came here to watch the show anyways. don't get dirty upstairs. i know you so well, sehun." his brother winked. i groaned and sehun hotly smirked as he escorted me upstairs to his room.

bittersweet » hunlay [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now