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kyungsoo seemed serious and pissed when i saw him ignoring people in the hallways. i approached him and waited for an explanation. "he never knows how to shut up, does he? all he does is talk about baekhyun all day. seriously, i am going crazy dealing with his bullshit." kyungsoo complained like a mad mother. stating the obvious, it was obviously about chanyeol.

"the real thing is, chanyeol's the one going crazy not you." i snickered.

"right, never knew you had this common sense, maknae." i crossed my arms, bragging about myself. "im going to find kai. find yourself a partner you've been lonely these days i pity you." he patted my shoulder and smirked.


"for real, chanyeol's going crazy these days. he's always in a bad mood for no reason when i tried to talk to him." baekhyun sighed.

"well, he knows that you're going out with a girl."

baekhyun rested his palms on his face and groaned. "he should care about his own business and not mine."

"yah baekhyun isn't it obvious? chanyeol definitely likes you."

"im straight. and stop it im in a relationship." baekhyun wasn't even interested and groaned instead. i shrugged it off and continued to do my school work.

i glanced at yixing and his work beside me. i didn't think he even moved his hand to write, he looked like he's stuck and stopped thinking. "stop daydreaming." i scoffed, he jumped a bit and sat straightly.

whenever i tried to do my work back, yixing kept bothering me. he attracted my attention. "what are you doing? do your work, idiot." i pointed vigorously at his paper. he just stared blankly at it, i waved my hand infront of his face, snapping my fingers to get his attention. "yixing!"

he gripped my hand and i pulled it away. "can you talk?" i hissed.

"i dont even understand a thing." yixing murmured. i closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. i was so done with him.

"im surprised you didn't ask me anything." i said, maintaining a straight face. yixing just hummed and scooted a little bit away from me, leaning onto the wall beside him. i guess, he was sleeping after all.

i grabbed his thigh and brought him closer this time. his eyes widened, he got startled and almost fell off the ground. i snatched his paper and explained all the things he didn't the whole page. i couldn't stand him not annoying me all day, it didn't feel right. and i just couldn't let him fail his work. "like this, idiot." i've done explaining and he stared at me for a while, nodding his head. we made eye contact and his gaze was strong, i blinked several times. "do you even understand or were you just staring at me the whole time?" i teased, sounded cocky.

"shut up sehun, i get it im not that stupid at all." he clenched his jaw, making his jawline more structured than it already is. lord have mercy.

"woah! so cold all of a sudden?" i smirked, not gonna lie it was surprisingly amusing for an innocent person like him. he ignored me and started to work out his senses. "yixing, i can make it hotter by my looks." i winked and sounded like a jerk.

i kept picking on him but he shoved me away. that didn't mean he's stopping me though i came back and distracted him until i was satisfied, somehow he was just the easiest person to tease. he couldn't handle me at all, his works were left unfinished.

he had enough of my ass, so he grabbed me by the collar and brought me closer to his pale face. our eyes suddenly locked, "you're. really. noisy." he said loud enough, sounding so frustrated. he was never usually like this at all, hmm interesting.

"bruh that's enough. let yixing live for once." chen interrupted out of nowhere, it took me hours to realize all this time he was sitting behind me. "he's right, you're noisy." chen sniveled.

yixing, chen and i argued for what felt like hours, i wondered when this boring class ends it was too long i might as well wait for the end of the world honestly. after each stinging words each of us said, it got louder by seconds. yixing almost gave up but he was really sensitive when i brought him up again so he stood up for himself.

"yixing! chen! and nonetheless, sehun! what was all that bickering about?" the teacher slammed the table, making us three jumped.

chen obviously defended himself because he knew what was coming. "these two kept picking on each other especially sehun, i just calmed them down that was all. i have nothing to do with this." chen excused. yixing and i shot him the dirtiest look. chen's always the believable one in class and that annoyed me a lot.

after a lot of discussion with the damned teacher, he finally ended up with a conclusion that chen was dismissed. i literally wanted to punch him. the bell rang and i quickly got up from my seat and sprinted to go out but the teacher pulled me back. "yah sehun! there's no use, you're still getting detention! you're lucky you're with someone this time!" chen teased and eyed yixing then back at me. that asshole thought this was funny. yixing got confused and almost went out of the class but the teacher pulled his shirt back causing us to bump each other.

"what?! I thought i was free too?!" yixing gave the teacher a disapproval look.

"not today! that's what you guys get for being noisy in class for absolutely nothing. i thought you were a good student yixing. sehun's always like this im not even surprised anymore." the teacher sneered.

"people often make mistakes, yixing's just getting started doesn't mean he's not a good student anymore-"

"enough explanations sehun! what happened to defending yourself huh? now you're defending yixing? how touching." the teacher cut me off.

"he deserved it. yixing is in trouble because of me he doesn't deserve to have detention with me!" i argued.

"i said enough! detention until 5.30 pm, i was gonna say until 4.30 blame sehun for that. pitiful." when the teacher turned his back to us i made a motion of punching him, anger boiled within me it wasn't even funny anymore. i glanced at the clock on the wall, it was currently 2 pm. i usually get detention for the stupidest mistakes and im used to this. however, yixing was really worried and looked like he was awfully failing at life just because of a detention.

"stand there with your arms raised until 4 pm, keep distance between you two then you can rest." the teacher strictly said and kept an eye on us after marking each paper.

yixing took several glances at me and i noticed that he got closer to me than before. i raised a brow at him and called him stupid for getting closer. "i just wanna say thank you for defending me damn that's all." he said flatly but looked sincere about it. i also didn't know why i defended him in the first place it just came out of my mouth abruptly.

"yeah you better." i bitterly said. "calm down yixing you look like you're never getting out of this place its just detention, trust me i know how shit works here." i spat. yixing smiled and started to easy his anxious self. i could tell it was his first detention. normally, i would cringe at people being so good at school, but its yixing i didn't mind...i expected him to move to his far position back but he stayed right beside me, didn't even move an inch.

"silence! why are there noises- go back to where u were zhang yixing!" the teacher glared at him. yixing shot him a disrespectful look.

"what do you expect? we're humans and we talk...we can't stay quiet like we're actually kidnapped right?" he sniveled and went back to his original position. i liked this feisty side of yixing, honestly. i quietly giggled and smirked right away.

"kid, talk back again and i will downgrade your grades!" he threatened and came closer to yixing.

"im 26, for your information." yixing said bitterly.

"another 1 hour of detention added!" the teacher yelled, flicking his forehead harshly. yixing almost cursed infront of him but decided to not. "you..." he stood infront of me. "you can go while yixing will be having his extra detention hour, impressive you aren't the one making a lot of trouble this time." he eyed yixing with piercing eyes and back at me. i sighed in relief, but felt a little uncomfortable. it was really an unusual feeling.

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