thirty three

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"sehun, wait!" yixing called and i increased my pace, getting away from him. i walked over to a random girl classmate that was swooning over me so i started talking with her. "sehun-" he stopped.

i leaned my arms beside the girl and she gasped while blushing, i looked down at her. i smirked and said, "hold me." she began to put her hand on my shoulder and avoided eye contact. i could tell she's shy.

"what are you doing?" she asked.

"shut up. do me a favor, pretend to talk with me." i muttered and she immediately made up stories. i suddenly held her hand and she blushed even more. this was all an act. i didn't have feelings for her neither do other girls. i just wanted to make yixing jealous like he did to me.

"sehun ah, i don't think this is right-" she tried to let go of my hand.

"trust me." i put my arm over her shoulder and she wrapped her arms around my waist. suddenly, i felt another hands on me and pulled me away from the girl.

"sorry, i have some business to do with him." yixing glared at the girl and gripped my arm tightly. "find another man, thank you. sehun's occupied." yixing dragged me with him outside the school.

"occupied? by who exactly? you?" i bent down to reach his height and twitched a smile. "im pretty sure i'll know if im in a relationship with someone."

"yah!" yixing shouted at me and i smirked. "what was that? who is she?!"

"why? i like that girl. why are you stopping me?" i crossed my arms, acting like i was serious.

"you're gay! you don't like females." yixing rolled his eyes.

"i can change my mind if i want to." i sassed. he crossed his arms and stared at me with his eyes glinting furiously.

"so what? you're interested in her now?" he asked, trying to avoid eye contact.

"what about you, yixing? are you interested in suho now?" i snapped back. "you're not...right?"

"if im interested in anyone that's none of your business!" yixing said.

"well if im interested in that girl, it's none of your business too!" i grabbed his collar. "wow, yixing. how evil have you gotten?"

"don't touch me." he pushed me off harshly. "touch that girl instead." he furrowed his brows.

"i will." i teased and he looked down. it seemed like he was sad. "i will have a date with her tonight, it's gonna be fun."

"don't you dare..." yixing slapped my chest and i smirked. "don't you dare go out with anyone."

"and? that doesn't stop me. i like her so much you don't understand." i continued to tease him. "her smile, her innocence, her forgetfulness, the way she looks at me, whenever she does something, she's always attractive no matter how effortless it looks." little did yixing know, all of those descriptions were anonymously about him.

"then go fucking date her, i don't care." yixing's voice cracked. before he went away, he stared at me with his glossy eyes like he was about to tear up.


the rest of the lesson was awkward, neither yixing and i talked to each other. even our chairs were far apart than usual. i found him gripping his pen pretty tight while staring at the paper intensely. he sighed and rubbed his temples in circles. the question was probably difficult for him to answer or maybe he was still thinking about what happened?

i held his tight hand silently to calm himself down a bit. i looked at him and he avoided my eye contact. his grip loosened when i brushed my finger on his soft hand. "what's wrong?" i whispered.

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