forty four

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i was dragged by kai because i didn't want to leave chanyeol alone in that crusty morgue. he doesn't deserve this! he doesn't deserve to be tricked by none other than the psychotic luhan...he trusted that it was baekhyun...he trusted him so much...he loved baekhyun to bits.

"how long are you gonna stay with me huh? until im dead? are you doing this to protect me?" i snapped at kai. he just looked at the floor, not wanting to look at me in the yes. "i don't need your help, kai. i just want to die!" i yelled. i scolded kai, yelling at his face until he had no words to say back and had a huge mental breakdown. kai let me do those things until i calmed down by myself.

"sehun..." kai shuddered. "you were scared the hell out of me." he was sitting miles away from me, watching me carefully.

"well, im sorry about that." i furrowed my brows and rubbed my temples, facing away from him. i didn't want him to face much of a monster i actually am. "leave, kai...i can't control my temper and im afraid i'll hurt you. you should know me." a warm tear dropped.

"it's better for you to hurt me painlessly rather than luhan hurting me brutally." kai said. "no, im keeping yixing's promise. im staying. although, i know im probably about to be luhan's next's obvious luhan wants you to be alone." kai offered his hand and took the opportunity.

"it's just the two of us left...chanyeol would've been here too." mentioning his name was even hard for me to endure the tears coming. i lost my friend who i've known the second longest...

kai was sleeping soundlessly but i couldn't sleep anymore. i haven't slept ever since luhan got out of jail. i kept thinking about the other guys, what are they doing? brutal is luhan going with them? much does it hurt?...wishing they would stay longer and i was feeling sorry that i couldn't find them as quickly as possible. chanyeol would've lived if i figured this out earlier...i felt the guilt building up inside me, i wanted to let it all out again but my none of my tears came out from dehydration. im sorry...

i decided to go downstairs and reminisce every memory i had with yixing in the living room...when i started to fall for him. i fell for his beautiful dimples, his sweet innocence, the way he just gave me in, the way he didn't hesitate to push me away...i was drunk and lonely, i wanted someone to be with me, instead i fell for him. and im still falling for him even when im thinking about him...

the doorbell suddenly rang and i watched my room upstairs, afraid that it would wake up kai or my brother or i haven't seen my mom coming out of her room...she's still so disappointed in me. im sorry, mom but i can't change my love for the same gender...for yixing. who would even come to my house at this hour? it's very late...i opened the door without hesitation but there was nobody. i furrowed my brows and sighed, "it must be the kids next door..." then i slowly closed the door.

the bell rang once again and i opened it again, hoping i would catch one of the kids. "aish!" i swore, i didn't catch them. but then i looked down on the 'welcome' rag, there was a bottled glass drink? with a side note on it. 'drink me'.

"bullshit." i hissed and threw the bottle away, causing the glasses shredding into pieces. "im not falling for your pranks, kids." i groaned. "i'll tell your parents if you don't go sleep at this late hour! they'll beat your ass! im serio-" i stopped myself when i saw the bush shaking, i went to check if the kids were hiding there but there was nothing...

"jjinja, aish! those punks-" i gasped when i felt a sharp thing stabbing through my back. i was too shocked to even shout. it was stabbing me deeper and carving something on my back. i couldn't see whoever it was...the person was kind of carving some korean words on my back harshly. i winced in pain and squirmed. i still couldn't see who it was but after that, they kicked me on the ground with their foot and stepped on my back aggressively, causing the blood on my back to squirm out more. my vision blurred and the last thing i saw was a piece of glass from the bottle soaked in my blood.

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