thirty seven

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"yixing! you can stay for a bit i've cooked dinner." mom patted yixing's back.

"ah, i need to go...but thank you, mrs. oh." yixing shrugged.

"what do you have after this?" she asked.

"i have to um, workout at the gym with kai." yixing stuttered, he was lying. i glanced at yixing.

"oh, working out's not important. eating is important. it's okay yixing, please stay." mom said to him. yixing awkwardly nodded and sighed when he went to me.

"mom, don't force him." i put my arm around yixing and pulled him closer beside me. but mom just glared at me.

"i want to leave. i've stayed long enough..." yixing said quietly to me. "suho would kill me if he knows about this."

"i'll let him kill me instead." i said flatly. "he can never kill you."

"sehun, please...i need to go." he begged. "i do really want to workout with kai, i know you know me lying earlier. but im actually about to text kai." he took out his phone from his pocket.

"you can go. i'll tell my mom something else." i said. im not someone to force him to stay anyways. although, i wanted to spend more time with him because i know we won't be like this again tomorrow.

oh sehun: "yah, brat. you're responsible for yixing in the gym."

kim jongin: "okay, sehun. i get it."

oh sehun: "if anything happens...i swear to god jongin."

kim jongin: "daaamn chill. shouldn't it be suho who's acting like you?"

oh sehun: "should be. but suho doesn't look like he gives a shit about yixing, then i will."

kim jongin: ";)"

i didn't reply him back and switched my phone off. i followed yixing who was heading off the front door. "bye." he made eye contact with me.

"bye..." i said. "we won't talk like this again, right?" i laughed bitterly.

"i know we'll turn into complete strangers again tomorrow..." he frowned.

"yeah..." i looked down and saw him clenching his fists. he was still staring at me, didn't even move an inch to leave. "you said you want to leave, so why are you not moving?" i raised a brow.

"i am leaving." he took a step back. "just..." he bit his lip while staring at my lips. "nothing." he turned his face away and started his car engine. he wanted to kiss me, but too bad...i watched him as he drove away. i leaned against the door frame and sighed heavily.

"i liked the jjajangmyeon...your friend should be a chef in the future." my brother said from behind. "im not sure if he's just a friend though..." he smirked.

"he's in a relationship with someone, hyung. don't start." i closed the door and sprinted upstairs to my room.



"yo, kai!" i greeted him in the gym and he dropped the dumbells to greet me back. "are you gonna train me?"

"sure thing, hyung. i hope you'll cope with me well." he agreed and brought me to the iron pumps, which will make your biceps bigger. "you know how this works, right?"

"kind of. i haven't been to a gym in a long time, kai." i said. i randomly put my hand on top of the machine, which didn't feel right.

"that's you use the machine." kai giggled and i awkwardly let go. "your hands should be on the sides, like this." kai demonstrated and placed my hands on the sides.

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