fifty nine

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sehun didn't contact me anymore. it's like he forgot about my existence. he didn't say 'i love you' back to me...didn't say how much he misses me like how other couples usually do. it has became really weird between the both of us. i did give him a break, no calls, no texts for the whole day, but there's no sign of him trying to contact me back. does he really forgot about me?

"pick up the phone, sehun...please..." i muttered. he also had been declining my calls for the past few days. now, he declined me again. i don't give up, i called him again.

"fuck it." i locked my phone and threw it away. "maybe he's just busy..." i sighed.

i waited...and waited.

"hello?" sehun groaned.

"hey..." i tried my best to keep a happy tone. "do you ever think about me?"

"yeah, of course." he said.

"aren't you curious about me at all?" i asked sadly.

"why would i ask?" sehun sneered.

"oh..." my smile faltered into a frown. "you don't act like you'" i mumbled.

"what do you mean? it's me." sehun chuckled bitterly. "so, are you done calling me?"

"why do you always act so rushed, sehun? is there anyone?" i asked suspiciously.

" i just need rest, that's all." sehun groaned.

"don't you care about me at all?" i gripped my phone tightly. there was a brief silence and i heard someone talking to him. it didn't sound like a's a feminine voice.

"what? what did you say?" sehun asked.

"...nothing." i gulped, feeling my heart crushing.

"if it's nothing then why are you calling me?" sehun said like a jerk.

"i-i love you..." i said. again, a brief silence took place.

"okay." sehun ended the call.

"you act like you care..." i whispered and rubbed my aching temples. "when you don't." i rested my head on the table, a drop of tear landed on the glass table.



"why do i smell some girly cologne in here?" kai sniffed.

"it's because irene was here." i smiled.

"you better not do anything with her." kai warned. "even the bed smells like-"

"no, we didn't do anything like that." i quickly cut him off. "so why are you here again?"

"im bored at home. almost everyone got a job. even kyungsoo got to be a secretary, i rarely see him but i always sneak inside his room anyways." kai said.

"why don't you sign up to be a waiter or something?" i gave him an idea.

"i can't even balance a drink on a tray, sehun. i'd spill hot drinks on customers and get fired after that." kai complained.

"then be a housemaid."

"i can't clean-"

the closet door suddenly opened to reveal irene with nothing but only a bra and panties on. kai stared blankly at her and i quickly covered her behind my back. "what the fuck?!" kai yelled and quickly turned away from irene's direction.

"irene!" i hissed and told her to put on her clothes quickly. "yah, paali!"

"why did you tell me to hide, first of all? and why the fuck is your closet so full that i couldn't breathe?" irene glared at me.

bittersweet » hunlay [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now