twenty seven

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"my car can only fit five people." kai said. "then kyungsoo, tao, xiumin and suho hyung will get in my car."

"i'll bring chanyeol, baekhyun and chen in my car." i said and ran off to my car. i knew it was gonna be noisy. "kris just texted me saying he can't join, he had to look out for the house."

"let's hurry!" suho accelerated kai's car and i joined behind. we caught up with the ambulance as soon as we drove and arrived at the hospital immediately. suho and i decided to park at the nearest parking lot beside the emergency station. the nurses got out of the ambulance and took sehun with them. we chased after them and looked at sehun laying down. i was the first one to get there. kai and tao felt dizzy after all the alcohol they drank so they had to rest for a bit on the resting chairs.

"we have to hurry! he's already losing too much blood." one of the nurses said while strolling sehun. "his heart rate is beating unusually fast." as soon as i heard that, i got inbetween the nurses and helped them stroll sehun.

"didn't i say if you're not a relative you can't visit patient oh sehun for now." the nurse earlier said to me.

"at least im not a fucking stranger!" i panted and looked at sehun with concern. he haven't opened his eyes yet. i held his cold hand before he went inside the private room to get treatment. "listen to me sehun, you're strong..." i said lastly to him. i heard what luhan said to him earlier...

i was there eavesdropping the whole time. i was just wandering around searching for the bathroom but heard them yelling in a room. the first thing i heard was sehun's voice. i could've saved him earlier...i needed to find suho for help.

"im sorry but you and your friends are not allowed to be inside." the nurse closed the door shut and i sighed, feeling so nervous for sehun. i walked back to the guys at the resting chairs. they all looked exhausted and tired.

"yixing can you catch up with sehun? i literally gave up running halfway. i kept going the other way because im drunk." kyungsoo panted.

"how did sehun look? is he getting worse?" kai asked curiously. i gulped and fidgeted with my hands.

"he's...he had trouble breathing. his heart rate is too high. he lost so much blood." i said. "we can't go in..."

"his family must know about this! i'll just call his brother." xiumin quickly scrolled through his phone contacts.

"sehun's so doomed. he even escaped from home and now his mom would know." chen widened his eyes. "it's late...i think my mom would be worried by now." chen yawned.

"i think we should go back...we've waited for five hours already for the results. they won't let us in. we should visit tomorrow." tao sneered. the rest agreed and i still believed there will be results after this.

"i'll stay." i yawned and they gave me a worried look. "i don't have parents for them to worry about me. it's all good." i smiled at them.

"you don't have...parents?" suho asked cluelessly.

" mom died and my dad decided to leave me in china." i said. "im fine now. that was a long time ago." i shrugged and yawned again.

"are you sure about staying in the hospital? what about school tomorrow?" tao asked.

"sehun's more important." i said obliviously. they all smirked and nodded. "but who's gonna drive chen, chanyeol and baekhyun?"

"don't worry, they'll just sit on whoever's laps at the back of the seat." suho said casually and i nodded. "this is why you should never get drunk." just like that, they went home and get restless sleep from tonight. i checked the time on my phone and it was already midnight. i didn't sleep at all even though i yawned everytime.

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