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"what happened to him?!" that voice sounded familiar as he panted. "what did you do to him?" he growled at someone.

"he puked and fainted in the bathroom when i chased him! you think i'd do this to him?!" tao groaned.

"well, yes!" sehun sounded furious. "how's yixing? is he okay??"

"yixing's not feeling very well, sehun. lower your voice a little bit." suho shushed.

"this guy literally doesn't know when to calm down." tao pointed at sehun.

"what did you say?!" sehun clutched tao's collar aggressively.

"cut it out!" suho yelled and sehun immediately let tao go but his piercing eyes still glaring at tao. "yixing's not really conscious...he haven't opened his eyes but he's breathing." suho said seriously.

"who carried him here?" sehun asked curiously. "probably not you." he hissed at tao.

"tao couldn't carry him so he told me to carry yixing." suho sighed.

"you know that you're annoying, i wish you'd get out." tao raised his voice at sehun.

"this is my tent, feel free for you to leave instead." sehun snapped.

"ENOUGH!" just when suho yelled at them fighting, my eyes started to open slowly with a blurry vision. i blinked several times until my vision cleared. i slowly sat up and felt a little dizzy from all the chaos. "drink some water." suho handed me a bottle of water and i chugged it abruptly.

"...where are the others? where am i?" i asked, still feeling weak.

"you're in your tent, yixing. the others are-" suho suddenly got cut off.

"yixing are you okay?!" the others except sehun, suho and tao who were already here earlier, checked up on me after i mentioned them. i just smiled and nodded.

"you guys don't need to check up on him one by one and be all caring." sehun blocked them from peeking inside our tent.

"let them care about yixing, dickhead." tao gritted his teeth. sehun turned his head around and glared at him.

"sehun..." i started and he eventually unblocked them.

"oh my god, im glad you're fine yixing!" luhan hugged me but i didn't hug back, i felt disgusted for a second.

"that's what you always say." i said, avoiding his eyes.

"im genuinely worried, what are you talking about?" he furrowed his brows.

"thanks for your concern." i said sarcastically and drank alot more water.

"i think that's enough worrying, luhan hyung." baekhyun smiled at him and luhan went to sehun, rolling his eyes before he turned around. i just stared at baekhyun and smirked. i patted baekhyun on the shoulder thankfully.

i saw a glimpse of the lovebirds getting out of the tent right after luhan rolled his eyes. sehun saw me glancing so he made a really concerned look like he was forced to get out.


"for fuck's sake, why are you always injured?" sehun asked curiously.

"i may be just clumsy." i said. "but no, i have health problems." i continued while changing my shirt to a new one.

"then why would you go camping if you know you're gonna cause some trouble?" sehun asked rudely.

"if tao's going, im also going." i said calmly. "i wanted to ditch the chance because of you being my partner, but i guess not." i spotted another shirt hiding below my pillow, that wasn't mine so i threw it at him.

"you threw it straight to my face, idiot." sehun complained. "it's not mine!"

"then who? are there others sleeping here excluding us?" i suddenly remembered luhan sleeping here with him. "nevermind."

"it's luhan's." sehun folded the shirt nicely and i just smirked bitterly. "you know...i could've been there to save you instead of tao." he sighed. did i hear right?

"i don't trust that." i laughed. "i prefer tao."

"tao needed someone to carry you! he did nothing but ran." sehun hugged luhan's shirt while laying on the sleeping bag. "poor boy, didn't have enough muscles."

"stop making fun of tao, you jerk. that's not funny." i glared.

"oh really? i think he deserves that-" i put my finger on his lips for him to shut the hell up and he did. he kept smelling luhan's shirt and kept smiling like a teenage girl.

"that's disgusting." i shot him a dirty look. "so, luhan's that special to you..." i muttered quietly.

"are you dating him?" i asked, facing him face to face now. "truthfully."

"does it matter?" he crossed his arms, making eye contact.

"yes, it does matter." i hesitated, looking at him with a hopeless look. he averted his gaze and fidgeted with his fingers.

"yes, we are." sehun said. i felt my heart ache for a second and tried to endure the pain.

"oh...congrats." i smiled sarcastically and faced away. "i don't think it feels right to sleep with you anymore. i think we should exchange partners permanently." i said.

"a-are you serious?! we can't exchange partners! luhan's a senior, paboya." he tensed.

"there's always a way." i groaned. "i'll start tomorrow, sehun." he didn't argue with me but stayed quiet.

"you're still staying tonight?" he asked, letting go of luhan's shirt. which caught my eye.

"...okay then, i'll go right now if that's what you desire." i smiled at him sarcastically, packing my things inside my bags.

"you're leaving now?" he asked. i nodded vigorously. he took away my bags to the other side of the tent so i couldn't reach them. "you. can't. leave." he flicked my forehead.

"don't you need your boyfriend right now? i'll just fucking leave. why are you holding me back?" i asked.

"i want you to stay..." sehun said, pulling me with strength and i landed on top of him accidentally. "stay or i will make you more uncomfortable." he smirked hotly and gripping his nails on my back, trailing it down slowly. stopped until my torso. i bit my lip, letting out a soft moan and quickly covered my mouth with my hand. holy fuck. sehun loosened his grip and finally, i could escape from his strong sexual grip. that actually turned me on...

"you didn't just moan or was i hearing things?" sehun gulped and hiding something under his pants.

"you shouldn't have done that, oh sehun." i gasped out of shock. he faced his back to me and froze, still his hands are under his pants. "no you don't have a boner..." i snorted and laughed.

"shut up!" he scowled, embarrassed. "you shouldn't have moaned, yixing." we sat, facing our backs to each other awkwardly blushing. i tried to calm myself by using meditation and slowly feeling sleepy. i laid back and leaned on sehun's broad back and shoulders without actually realizing.

sehun slowly twisted his body, carefully not to wake me up and laid my body on the sleeping bag. "what have you done to me, yixing?" he whispered quietly.

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