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luhan started to worry about yixing right when baekhyun dragged him away. "he doesn't look fine at all." he stood up to see where they headed off to. "he glared at us for god knows how long but when i looked at him, he smiled at me bitterly..." luhan sighed and crossed his arms.

"he's okay." i assured and asked him to sit back down beside me.

"his hand is bleeding from the can, the tin is cutting his skin deeply yet you call that okay?" he rambled. "i don't think so."

"let's not worry, hyung. baekhyun will take care of him. he said he's fine anyways, didn't you listen?" i groaned. luhan just stared at me.

"people who say they're fine aren't usually fine." luhan sighed heavily. i ignored his statement and pretended to do other things. i just wanted to talk about something else yet he still brought up about yixing. i just wanted to spend time with luhan without people interrupting was that too much to ask for?

"he's a man. he can handle the pain." i said.

"sehun, i feel bad." he facepalmed.

"try to not feel bad, easy." i arrogantly said. luhan rolled his eyes and decided to go inside the tent rather than being outside. he packed his things and shoved them inside his bag, getting ready to leave the tent. he slung it on his shoulder and was about to go out but i blocked him with my tall figure. "can you leave later? pleaseee." i pouted.

"yixing's probably waiting. i can't leave him waiting for so long..." luhan smirked. "if yixing wanted to exchange again, you can say you want me to be your temporary partner again." he smiled charmingly.

"its no fun without you, hyung." i quickly blocked him again when he tried to leave.

"trust me, yixing's a great guy." he said. "he's more fun than me."

"he's not, he's annoying!" i groaned.

"sehun..." he sighed. i pulled him closer and grabbed his chin so he could look me in the eyes. his cheeks turned into a blush and smiled shyly. i made the first move to lean in, and he didn't even backed away. this was the only chance. i kissed him eventually on the lips and wrapped my arm around his tiny waist, my adrenaline rushing like crazy. he kissed me back softly and put his hand on the back of my neck with his delicate touch.

"please..." i begged while gazing at him.

"alright, oh sehun. so, that's how you play it." luhan smirked and bit his lip. "just for a bit..." he reminded and i smirked.

"you're honestly so hot." luhan complimented and i blushed.

"so do you." i giggled and earned a slick wink from luhan. "i thought you were into girls..." i started.

"from the moment i saw you, i knew im not straight anymore." luhan said, smiling. "well, now i know you're not too." i shushed him for being loud and laughed along with him.


someone unzipped the tent when i was laying on the sleeping bag with exhaustion from laughing too much with luhan. yixing was back with his bag slung on his right shoulder and his hand wrapped with a handkerchief covered with blood. again, he looked so pale and half dead. "where's luhan?" he asked suddenly, without taking a glance at me. directly putting his bag down beside him and adjusted the handkerchief soaked in blood.

"none of your business." i turned away to face the other side, without getting to face him and pretended to play with my phone.

"you could've said he went back to his tent." he spat.

"i didn't want to. you always want to make problems with me huh?" i kicked him slightly with my long legs that could reach him and glanced at him. eventually meeting his eyes but i avoided it and played with my phone back.

"maybe. its more fun that way, i guess." he said. after that, he tried to wince in pain quietly but it could be heard by me. it was a long wincing so i was bothered by it and sat up to look at him. "look somewhere else, prick." he glared. i just stared at his bleeding hand and stared at him. it did look awfully painful and the blood weren't even stopping. i silently grabbed the cotton wool i got from the girl and gave him some.

"that poor handkerchief isn't gonna cooperate with that blood of yours anymore. use the cotton wool." i said. he took them without hesitating and wiped away the blood pouring out. he suddenly took out an ethanol alcohol for the cut to be healed and stop bleeding. that shit stings. he dipped the cotton wool inside the ethanol and applied it to his hand halfway. he groaned and winced a lot of times.

"why are you doing that to yourself?" i couldn't stand him being in pain anymore so i helped him clean up the wound. i grabbed his wrist tightly or else he would let go. "im applying the ethanol, okay..." i said sincerely and he gulped. "im not gonna hurt you, pabo."

i applied it, he held the pain and clenched his fists making it harder for me to apply it but somehow i succeeded putting it all over his hand. "done. leave it dry, don't touch anything with that hand." i said, gathering all the cotton wool soaked in his blood to throw.

beads of sweat formed on his whole face even his shirt was sweaty. he took a breath of air with his eyes shut  and leaned his head back, his attractive adam's apple showing mercilessly. "don't lean like that..." i muttered, gulping. i knew that was a huge turn on for me. he stared at me and then down to my lips.

"did you kiss someone recently?" he asked, analyzing my lips closely.

"no! what are you doing?" i puckered up my lips so he could stop staring. was it that obvious? luhan sucked it pretty deep earlier...

"your lips are pretty pink and bruised a little..." he raised his eyebrows, knew that i lied. "who kissed you?" he panted.

"it doesn't matter to you!" i rolled my eyes. he just smirked bitterly and glared at me.

"right. i don't need to know." he scoffed. "sorry for interfering your privacy." he wasn't being sincere though. i didn't know what to say back but we stayed silent after that.

"so, you're staying here tonight?" i broke the silence. he nodded hesitatingly. "why?" i said, annoyed.

"yah! its my tent too after all." he snapped and swore at me. "i know you need luhan that much so why don't you go to him and never go back here?"...he was mad. i didn't reply back to his angry comment and felt defeated. "why are you silent? fucking go!" he yelled.

"no, i won't!...stop yelling at me, what's wrong with you?" i said weakly and stared at him in the eyes. his eyes were glossy, it was watering.

"everything's wrong." he said, clenching his jaw. i ignored him and felt really guilty...i couldn't even apologize.



sehun's arms wrapped around me softly like he never did before and whispered in my ear with his rasped voice, "i know you're sleeping, yixing. but im fully awake and i just want to say sorry...i swear im not mumbling anymore, and i know im cuddling you right now, but it feels so right in so many wrong ways..."

i was actually awake but i pretended to sleep and heard everything what he said behind me. i could feel his body heat touching my shirtless cold back. he trailed his fingers down my torso playfully, sending shivers down my spine. "mianhe, yixing."

he certainly did cuddle me without letting me go until the morning came.

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