thirty six

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i've waited for yixing's text back for four days now. he didn't even try to type anything but had the guts to bluetick me ever since he dated suho. he doesn't even have any fucking idea that i had a hard time thinking about him every fucking night, i keep getting frustrated. he's a huge bothersome.

oh sehun: "is it so fucking hard to reply me back?"

oh sehun: "fine, don't even bother to text me anymore if you need me."

i threw my phone, it safely landed on my bed thankfully. i sprawled tiredly on my bed, closing my eyes just to rest for a bit from thinking too much. "in a relationship..." i laughed bitterly. "fucking bullshit." the image of them holding hands suddenly came into my mind and i wanted it to erase from my memories so bad.

i snatched my phone and texted suho immediately.

oh sehun: "honestly, were you joking about dating yixing?"

kim junmyeon: "sehun, it's been four freaking days and you still don't believe us? it's not a joke."

unlike yixing, he actually replied so much faster like the speed of lightning.

oh sehun: "what the fuck suho."

kim junmyeon: "stop asking about our relationship, paboya! what's so interesting?!"

oh sehun: "im just curious!"

kim junmyeon: "i can see you trying to get yixing's attention every fucking time, sehun. you should stop checking out my boyfriend, that's not funny. stay away from him."

oh sehun: "he's my...friend too. i can't try to talk to him now? wow. boyfriends like you are boring."

kim junmyeon: "excuse me?!"

oh sehun: "sorry but a fact should be stated. yixing doesn't deserve you, just saying."

kim junmyeon: "how dare you?! yah! who are you to say that? you never knew yixing properly!"

oh sehun: "bye, fucker. we're still friends though. just keep in mind that you don't belong to yixing."

oh sehun: "while you're at it, tell your fucking boyfriend to text me back."

i stucked my jaw while typing that furiously and hit the sent button. 

kim junmyeon: "hell no. i told him to not text you, he's just gonna listen to his boyfriend."

oh sehun: "hope you choke in your sleep."

i groaned and threw my already cracked phone on the wall harshly. i didn't care. it cracked even more than before and it became uglier. everyone pisses me off, i swear. i changed my clothes into my nighy outfit. i don't really wear anything except some sweatpants. i ruffled my hair messily and laid myself on the bed. i heard a knock on the door.

"eomma." i said.

"where's your friend, who is it again? yixing? i haven't seen him in so long. im thinking about inviting him for dinner." she asked curiously. i quickly reacted and sat up.

"he'll never come here again. he can't." i said.

"why? do you have a problem with him?"

"you don't have to know, eomma. it's my business." i sighed.

"im just saying that he should come over someday. he's a nice kid." she smiled.

"mom, he's not coming. ever." i groaned.

bittersweet » hunlay [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now