forty one

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tonight, i spent my time crying, burying my face on the pillow. i couldn't sleep, it was like back in the camping days, getting no sleep and had no potential to even eat.

"yah..." kai suddenly barged into my room but i had no interest in looking at him. i just continued to lay helplessly on the bed. "im staying here with you for the night." he dropped all his bags on the floor beside my door.

"who let you in?" i furrowed my brows. "you didn't tell me you'd come."

"who else other than your brother... should i tell you? no, that's not necessary." he sighed.

"yah...why are you sleeping over all of a fucking sudden?" i sniffed. "you have your own mansion."

"im here for a reason." kai took off his shirt an changed into his night clothes. he texted back a mutual with his fast fingers and threw his phone on my desk. "so, where do i sleep?"

"outside." i said and he smirked.

"shut up, im sleeping on the bed." he jumped on the bed beside me and kept texting someone on his phone.

"you haven't really slept over here since middle school...what is it again, kai?" i asked. "what are you hiding from me?"

"nothing...i just want to sleep here, can't i?" he raised a brow at me. "did you have a fight with your mom again, sehun?"

"'s kinda serious this time." i rubbed my temples.

"aw, is that why you were crying?" kai asked.

"dumbass, of course. who else would i cry over other than my mom?" i groaned.

"yixing...maybe me too." kai said with his cockiness. he was right, i'd cry over yixing so much and would cry over kai because he's my closest friend since childhood. "you've always had a cold heart before yixing came into your life now you've become more...soft hearted?"

"yeah...i want my cold, straight self back." i whined against my pillow.

"you were never straight in the first place, bro." kai patted my shoulder. "sad that you thought you were."

"aish, get lost. i don't want you here. such a bad timing." i hissed. "just leave me alone..."

"arasseo. i just realized i forgot to shower so im gonna use yours. don't go anywhere." he locked his phone and threw it on the bed as he went inside the shower. he kept being loud in the bathroom, i could hear him singing or screaming from here that i had to cover my ears with the pillow.

"jongin ah! shut up!" i shouted and he made his voice higher and louder. then i heard his phone notification popping every second. it started to annoy me like its owner. i snatched his phone and found text notifications from yixing. but i couldn't see what it actually says...kai changed his passcode number. curiosity started to grow in me each time yixing sent a text to kai.

kai dried himself with his towel, unaware that i was glaring at him. "mweoya?" he raised a brow and i chuckled bitterly. i decided to move on and played with my phone, without getting out of bed ever since kai arrived. yixing and him were probably just talking about some stupid shit. kai laid comfortably on the bed, with his legs stretched out on my thighs. his phone kept making noises.

"damn jongin. who are you texting with nonstop?" i glared at him.

"just...the guys." he said. "you should sleep, sehun. i'll make sure you sleep." kai abruptly said.

"sleep? i don't know that." i locked my phone and started to talk face to face with him. "what's so fun about texting until you basically haven't glanced at me?"

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