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"i don't think i can stay here anymore..." i muttered as i leaned back against my bed head. "otteoke?" i sighed. i was so close to losing my mind, i almost killed myself...yixing stopped everything and made me calm down by using his affection, my ultimate weakness.

"im sure you can. your brother will convince your mom somehow. he has to." yixing assured. "you're lucky to have a brother like him."

"i know...he may be an idiot sometimes but he'd always support me." i sighed. "i don't know why he risks his life for me, i swear to god that punk, aish."

"i can tell." yixing smiled. "he really cares about you."

"yah...don't go and talk sweet about him infront of my face. it's disgusting." i rasped. yixing just chuckled and sat across from me. i stared at the ceiling for god knows how long.

"your mom will realize her mistake, sehun. she'll not abandon her son like this just because you're gay..." yixing said. "she still loves you, every mom loves their kids. she'll regret saying all those rude things to you one day."

i didn't say anything back but just stare at at the ceiling again. "what's so interesting about the ceiling?" he asked. "is it more interesting than me?" he smirked.

"of course you're more interesting." i snapped my gaze at him. "im just...depressed."

he scooted closer to me and wrapped his arms around me as a hug. "baby..." he sighed. "don't. im here and i will do anything to make you happy." he did it, he made my heart flutter again by that soft nickname.

"yixing...what have i done to deserve you?" i stared at him. "you're too good for me."

"i can be bad for you, daddy." yixing smirked and i twitched a smirk, although he couldn't see my face.

the door suddenly flew open, revealing my brother's tamed face. he closed the door and leaned his back against my wall. "aish, jjinja..." he muttered. "how could this happen?!"

"what-" i started.

"yah, punk. i tried everything on mom to let you stay here! i risked my life for you, you dumb idiot. where's my thank you?" he hissed.

"hyung...why don't you just let me leave this house? im annoying to you anyways-"

"yah!" my brother yelled. "who will annoy me everyday when you're gone, sehun? i'd feel lonely. i'd have no one else to argue with."

"gumawo..." i sighed. "the things you do for me, hyung."

"whatever. you're still staying in this house but mom wouldn't want to see your face..." my brother frowned. "i'll try to convince her to like you as a homosexual. you don't deserve getting all those homophobic comments from mom! why would she say that to my brother?!"

"next time, you won't act all nice like this anymore." i sent a dirty look. "but nevertheless, gumawo hyung."

"aish, arasseo. don't cry anymore everything's going to be okay." my brother patted my cheek and went out of my room.

"i think i should go home...your mom won't like me stay here any longer anymore." yixing said. "but swear on my life, sehun. do not try to kill yourself, idiot."

"im sorry for my mother..." i apologized. "im sorry that she turned out to be like this."

"aniya...she'll turn out to be okay again." yixing smiled. "your brother and i will fix this somehow, sehun."

"thank you, baby." i sighed. "i'll drive you home."



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