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"was everything alright between you two?" chanyeol yelled as he saw us walking back to their place. luhan and i locked out hands together and nodded. "luhan was clearly mad..." chanyeol whispered to baekhyun.

i stopped when yixing glared at our hands then at me. "why did you stop?" luhan asked. "let's go." he escorted me. yixing averted his gaze at luhan, knowing that he was probably gonna be yelled at by luhan.

"you guys didn't just fight with each other right?" xiumin analyzed us. "what's that on your face?" he held my face and spotted a scar on my cheek. what you didn't know was...luhan slapped me hard after he said 'im his'.

"i fell while chasing him. don't worry, im fine." i lied while smiling and luhan glanced at me.

"we're still on good terms." luhan said and stared at yixing. "why are you avoiding my eye contact, dear yixing?" luhan went to yixing.

"you're not wrong, im not gonna do anything to you. it was just an accident, right?" luhan gritted his teeth while patting yixing's shoulder. yixing weakly smiled back. i could see the hatred flaring in luhan's eyes when staring at yixing.

"okay so, we all know who the winner is...sehun and yixing! congrats!" suho cheered out of nowhere. a little while later, they all cheered too. i couldn't look at yixing or interact with him, otherwise luhan will hit me again.

"thanks." i said, looking straightly infront without moving my head at yixing's direction.

"im sorry but there's no prize." chen giggled. "i'll buy you and yixing lots of peperos next time."

"well, that's nonsense. they didn't even have their lips 1 cm apart. they shouldn't win!" luhan protested. "kai and kyungsoo should win since their pepero is 0.6 cm." kai and kyungsoo high fived each other.

"whatever luhan. if they won, they won." kris blurted out. luhan crossed his arms and gave up.

"fine. why don't we sit back down, sehun?" luhan smiled at me. i almost sat down next to yixing, i thought it was suho. but luhan quickly blocked us and sat in the middle. he glared at me and i apologized.

baekhyun whispered something to yixing and kept staring at me. i touched the scar from luhan's slap and it actually stinged even if it was just a little. that was so weird of luhan, slapping me without a reason. "im going to the bathroom, alright?" luhan said to me and i just nodded without making eye contact.

i just looked down and groaned quietly. "sehun?" baekhyun sat on luhan's place. "what's wrong?"

"it hurt." i muttered quietly.

"what's hurt?" baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows and i just shook my head. if i told him, luhan would go crazy again.

"why are you avoiding everyone's eye contact?" baekhyun asked curiously. "something's definitely wrong..."

"hyung, i swear it's fine. just mind your own business, please." i rubbed my temples in frustration. baekhyun sent me a concerned look and went away after i told him to.

"sehun." that voice was yixing's and i pretended to not hear him. don't interact. "let me see your cheek, please." yixing begged. i pretended to make myself busy by doing some random things.

he sat closer to me and tilted my head to face him with his soft hands. i made eye contact with him and i averted it. "that's not really good, you know. you need to seal it." he said, not letting go of his hand on my face. he touched it and i winced.

"i don't believe you when you said you fell while chasing luhan..." yixing said. "why did you lie?"

"how did you know i lied?" i widened my eyes.

bittersweet » hunlay [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now