twenty eight

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"everything good, buddy?" kai said and fist bumped with sehun.

"the doctor gave him more medicine and he's pretty hyper right now." i said.

"surprise, im alive." sehun laughed and the guys sent him a weird look.

"maybe he's gone crazy..." tao muttered and sehun glared at him.

"say that again." sehun threw a punch motion, threatening tao. tao just sent him a dirty look and hid behind chanyeol's tall figure silently.

"it's good to see you back, maknae." suho patted sehun's back. "how was it going with sehun?" suho whispered, nudging me.

"not bad. he's clingy, i just realized." i smirked.

"maybe it was just some kind of good drug the doctor gave him to calm down." suho guessed. "he's not normally clingy."

"catch this." chanyeol threw something at sehun and he caught it. "i bought it for you."

"chocolates? gumawo!" sehun cheered and kyungsoo snatched it back. "yah hyung!" sehun pouted.

"you're not getting more hyper than you already are. it's not healthy." kyungsoo threw it back to chanyeol.

"stop getting into people's business, kyungsoo." chanyeol rolled his eyes. "let sehun enjoy the damn chocolate."

"andwae." kyungsoo glared. chanyeol gave the chocolate to baekhyun instead.

"yixing gave me ramen though. im okay, see?" sehun winked at me and everyone stared at me.

"no, he meant...healthy noodles." i lied. "i didn't give him ramen..."

"whatever, we know you're lying." baekhyun chuckled. they all had conversations with sehun individually meanwhile tao and i were sitting at the back.

"'s luhan?" i asked tao quietly. "only you and kris know about him right?"

"he's in prison. he'll bail out after a month. he definitely went mental...he doesn't look the same like he always was." tao shivered.

"really? i'll go visit him...tell the others i went somewhere." i said to tao and he nodded.

"wait, be careful. he might hurt you...he almost grabbed kris." tao whispered and i gulped.


"im searching for a prisoner called luhan." i told the police. "i need to see him."

"candidate 00526, luhan. sir, his prison is right there. the bodyguards will guide you." the woman told me and i nodded.

the bodyguards stood beside me and i shivered. they looked too serious and it scared me more than the actual prisoners. "luhan, you have a visitor." one of them said. i gulped when luhan showed his face.

"zhang yixing, zhang yixing, zhang yixing..." he smirked evilly and went closer to the bars. "how touching."

"how have you been, luhan?" i crossed my arms.

"you know, worse than ever. thanks for reporting me, yixing." luhan laughed and i sent him a dirty look. "i appreciate you."

"i bought you some chinese food. eat well." i handed him carefully through the bars and he took it slowly.

"oh..." he smirked. "you didn't poison it right?"

"if i did, you deserve it for what you did to sehun." i sneered.

"speaking of sehun, how is he? dead yet?" he glared.

"you don't need to know what happened to him, lu. you tried to kill and rape him, you filthy psychopath." i spat. he just laughed and stared at me in the eyes.

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