twenty three

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"im sorry." i whispered, wiping his tears away as i left.

what did sehun mean about me getting hurt? it didn't make any sense. he was in awful pain, it hurt to see him crying and begging, he actually meant it. i did as he told me to leave...i had to listen to him. i leaned closer to him when he grabbed my collar because, never in my life i thought i would want to kiss him. i didn't know what i was doing but i got reminded that sehun's not mine...there was something wrong with him. someone definitely hurt him.

"hi yixing." luhan greeted out of nowhere. "where have you been?" he smiled.

"um, baekhyun's tent." i lied.

"oh, it seems like you've been in sehun's tent. i guess im wrong." he laughed.

"'re wrong." i chuckled nervously.

"well, im going in sehun's tent to check him up. he haven't been out until now. im a bit worried." he put his hands in his pockets.

"sure. i have something to do too." i said. he glanced down at my thumb, which had sehun's blood stain on it.

"what's that on your thumb?" he asked curiously.

"it's definitely not blood." i lied.

"ah...i see. see you later, yixing." he smiled while patting my shoulder and looked at him going inside sehun's tent.



"oh sehun." a girl called. she had that prefect badge pinned on her shirt. i hummed, agreeing that's me.

"the teacher wants to see you right there." she told me the direction. "good luck." i sighed and knew it was gonna be a bad lecture.

"sehun." luhan greeted as he stepped into my tent. "ugh, you look awful." he scoffed. i felt the anger boiling up within me. he didn't care about me at all. he just called me awful, didn't even apologize that he did all this to me.

"the teacher is calling me. i have to go." i brushed past luhan and left the tent.

"don't you act like that to your own boyfriend." he gripped my wrist. "disrespectful slut." he tightened the grip and twisted it.

"l-luhan, stop." i grabbed his hand. "stop." i whispered. he smirked, kissed my cheek and whispered into my ear, "who taught you to be disrespectful? let me guess, yixing?" i clenched my jaw and stared at him in fear.

"sorry for being disrespectful." i said as he let go of my wrist, leaving a red mark. he called me a slut...

"ah, oh sehun. just on time." the teacher crossed his arms and acted disappointed with me. i groaned and slowly went up to him.

"look at you. getting into a fight, thinking it's right. that's school violence, sehun." he glared at me, analyzing my face. i just sighed, little did he know. "who did you fight with?" he gritted his teeth.

"nobody! i just fell!" i rasped. i couldn't bring luhan into this.

"alright, you deserve a penalty. plus, the lying." he pulled my shirt and took me to the tent area which was filled with lots of trash. "school violence is no joke." he handed me a glove and a huge black plastic bag. "pick up all the rubbish and clean all the area. no leftovers. if i see one, you'll get more penalty. ten times worse than this. understand?" he scolded.

"but-" i protested.

"no buts! get working!" he shouted and i sent him a dirty look. i didn't deserve this...

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