thirty nine

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yixing and i made it official. we are together and i promised i would never hurt him ever. i was glad to have him in my arms, cuddling with him and everything felt so right...i made him mine, and he's nobody's other than me. i would never let people lay a hand on him. i knew that everyone liked yixing, including the 'straight' guys because of his looks and curvy body. i don't like to see people checking him out everyday in school, especially in the hallways. i would always snap at them for staring at yixing.

"who are you staring at? get yourself another guy." i snapped at the guy who was checking out yixing and he tensed up, trying to avoid my eye contact.

"chill." yixing nudged at my rib. "he's innocent."

"innocent? he's not if he's checking you out from the back like a fucking pedophile." i grunted and squeezed yixing's butt so people could stop staring.

"we're in public." yixing scoffed. "control yourself." he smirked.

"so what? i'll do whatever it takes so the whole world would know that you're mine, soon to be my 'oh yixing'." i intertwined my fingers with him in public which he was uncomfortable about showing it.

"sehun! we'll do all these cheesy things later, please." he tapped me so i could remove my hand away from his. he was blushing.

"cheesy things like what?" i smirked and put my hands back in my pocket and followed him to class. "alright, baby."

" i mean holding hands." he slipped and i laughed. "forget what i said." he chuckled.

"i heard sex!" chanyeol looked at our direction. yixing automatically covered his mouth with his hand. "what are you two talking about?" chanyeol smirked and grabbed a chair to sit with us.

"get your dumbass back to your place, hyung." i said. "he meant potato sacks." i made up.

"ooohhh! well now i feel dumb." chanyeol rolled his eyes at us and yixing snorted. "anyways, are you okay yixing hyung? i heard um, you broke up with suho hyung."

"yeah we did." yixing admitted. "i think we're good friends now." yixing glanced at me.

"ah, that's good to hear!" chanyeol clapped.

"how are you doing with baekhyun?" yixing asked.

"you know, we're getting pretty close than we already are. he's good in bed and all. you know what im talking about." he said quietly so baekhyun couldn't hear him. sehun and i exchanged glances and smirked.

"that's good to know." sehun nodded. chanyeol really is a social butterfly, he's not ashamed to tell his personal things.

"i heard my name!" baekhyun shouted from the other side. "yeolchan, that's definitely your voice!"

"aniya! i was talking about someone else with the same name as you!" chanyeol lied.

"hyung, that was a stupid lie." i snorted.

"i think that's a great lie." yixing high fived with chanyeol. i rolled my eyes at both of them.

"who?" baekhyun squinted his eyes suspiciously.

"uh, his name is...park baekhyun." chanyeol said. baekhyun smacked his head from the back.

"that's just your surname and my name combined, paboya." baekhyun clicked his tongue.

"i mean, that's how your name's gonna be in the future." chanyeol winked. baekhyun just stopped saying anything and twitched a smile.

"aigoo, look at you cheesy lovebirds..." chen interrupted. "i heard everything."

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